Friday, 24 April 2020

5091 Trooper Louis Hewson Marcks, 1880-10/8/1902

Maheno native Louis Marcks volunteered for the war in South Africa from Wellington where he was working as a labourer.  On his return from the war in the SS Britannic, he and 44 others were placed in quarantine on Soames Island.  An investigation into conditions on board the ship found they were ideal ones for the spreading of disease.

Discussion in Parliament.
In the House yesterday Mr Monk gave notice to ask the Acting-Premier if he would represent to the authorities that grave reflections are being imputed to the Imperial Government because of the filthy and insanitary condition under which the troops in the Britannic have been returned to the colony.
Mr G. W. Russell gave notice to move that a joint committee of both Houses be set up to enquire as to the alleged overcrowding, faulty victualling, and sanitary arrangements on the Britannic.
Mr Monk also gave notice to ask the Government who was responsible for the filthy vermin-swarming condition of the bedding supplied to the troops on the Britannic. Sir Joseph Ward referred to the complaints that were being made in connection with the Britannic's voyage, and and reports on the subject from Colonel Davies and Surgeon-Major Pearless. Colonel Davies said that the total number of troops on board when the ship sailed from Durban was 1088, including 83 officers, of whom 68 Australians disembarked at Albany and Melbourne. There was not much sickness until they left Melbourne on the 27th July, when measles broke out. The sickness previously had been pneumonia and colds, which in his experience everyone who had lived in a dry climate like Africa got immediately they came down to damp latitudes. He personally inspected the hospital very frequently, and questioned patients as to their treatment, and on no occasion did he receive a complaint. The ship was full, but not over-crowded in any sense. She had a greater number of men on board when taking the Imperial soldiers round the colonies, and had them on board for about five months, and in much warmer climates. Being an old ship she was rather low from deck to deck, and men coming from life in tents felt the stuffy atmosphere at first, but after two or three days out from Durban they did not complain. He was satisfied that food was good and ample. He was supplied with the bill of fare for every day, and it was greatly in excess of the Admiralty transport scale. He was doubtful of the galley accommodation, but the captain of the ship said it was impossible to alter this, and he was sure very slight inconvenience was experienced from this cause. There were about six complaints in regard to the food, and at his request other food was immediately substituted by the ship's people, The meat was frozen, and was the same as that supplied to the officers. In addition to the usual officers of the day, he ordered Lieut-Colonel Chaytor, Captain Polson, and Major Haytor (officers commanding regiments and detachments on board), to detail their own captains and subalterns of the day, all these officers, together with a medical officer, the Quartermaster, and subsequently Veterinary-Captain Young, an expert on frozen meat, inspected every issue of food. The whole ship was inspected, and at each inspection he asked in every mess if the men had any complaints. There were very few indeed, and these were immediately dealt with. The discipline was excellent, and only on one occasion did he have to complain of it. Some of them complained of the fish, which was salt, and at his request tinned meat was supplied instead for the rest of the voyage. All the Eighth Contingent were fully paid up before arrival in Wellington, and railway and steamer passes were prepared on board so as to avoid delay on arrival. Surgeon-Major Peerless, reporting on the hospital and the sick men on board, said the hospital staff was thoroughly efficient and the men were well attended to. There were three medical officers in addition, to himself, four dispensers, hospital sergeant and three orderlies. There were 32 beds, and as soon as these became full ten more cots were provided in the adjoining troop deck. The accommodation in the hospital was ample till the day before they landed, when some of the men had to be placed in hammocks for one night. The food was good, and plenty of it, and he had no difficulty in obtaining anything extra. When the men disembarked the hospital authorities would only admit ten, so he picked out the worst cases and sent the rest to Somes' Island, attended by Dr Purdy. Every man had a glass of brandy before leaving. The average daily number in hospital until arriving at Melbourne was about 15. After that measles spread rapidly, and in two days every bed was full. The measles were contracted in South Africa. In conclusion, he was porfeclly satisfied with the way the whole staff worked for the good of the patients.
After reading these reports, Sir Joseph Ward went on to say that he had already cabled to the Imperial authorities, pointing out the propriety of seeing that greater consideration was shown to colonial troops in returning them to their homes, in other words, that the same consideration was extended to the men as had been shown them when they were despatched from the colony. He added that, in company with the Hon. Mr Hall-Jones, he had visited the Britannic on her arrival in Wellington harbour, and no complaints were made to them.
Mr Pirani asked that daily telegrams should be sent to relatives of sick troopers showing how they were progressing.
Sir Joseph Ward said that all along the Government had sent the fullest information to the relatives of men on the sick list, and would continue to do so. Any assistance the Government could give in this connection would be readily and cordially extended.
Mr Fisher said it was notorious that the Britannic was disgracefully crowded when she carried the Imperial Contingent, but the men, being Imperial troops, dared not make any complaint. He had been told by the men of things that had occurred on the Britannic that were not fit to be mentioned in decent society. Mr Witheford stated that the northern men had expressed great satisfaction at the treatment they had received from the New Zealand Government. The blame rested with the Imperial authorities.
Mr G. W. Russell thought the reports of the responsible officers showed there had been a certain amount of exaggeration, but they were not sufficient to completely allay the uneasy feeling that existed throughout the colony. It was necessary to institute an exhaustive enquiry. Mr Monk complained that although the men had returned dispirited by what they had endured on the Britannic's voyage they had not received a fitting welcome home. Mr Hornsby said the circumstance called for a strict and impartial enquiry. The people would not be satisfied with the officers' reports, which to his mind assumed too much the character of a huge white-washing brush. Mr Napier also agreed that the public would not be satisfied with these perfunctory reports. Mr Hutcheson said the conditions of things on the Britannic showed the usual tactics of "J, Bull, Esq" when he returned his empties. He pointed out that the Imperial Contingent suffered some personal discomforts on that vessel, as our own men, but not with the same disastrous effect on the health, as the Imperial men were trained to that sort of thing.
Mr G. J. Smith, in supporting the request for an inquiry, said that Colonel Davies and Surgeon-Major Fearless had done all they could to mitigate the discomforts of the men. Mr Meredith said nothing but a full and exhaustive enquiry would satisfy an indignant public. Hon. Hall-Jones romarked that it was incidental to the transport of large bodies of troops that these things occurred, and the grievances had been accentuated by the fact that the vessels which took the colonials to the Cape had three times more space at the disposal of the men than would have been the case had they been Imperial soldiers. He rather welcomed the inquiry, and he felt it would show there was not ground for the seriousness of the complaints that had been made by some hon. members. Mr R. McKenzie said he had not heard a single complaint from men he had spoken to. Surgeon-Major Peerless had told him that everything was as good as could be expected under the circumstances. 
Messrs Collins, McNab and Budde also agreed that an enquiry was desirable to satisfy the general public. Most of the speakers in the discussion expressed the opinion that no blame whatever could be attached to the New Zealand Government in the matter, and that responsibility rested entirely with the Imperial authorities.
Sir Joseph Ward, in replying, expressed satisfaction that the New Zealand Government could not be blamed either directly or indirectly, but he recognised it was their duty to see that their men were treated properly. The Government were quite willing to have an enquiry held into the matter, and he considered it was the right thing to do, but it was only fair that some opportunity should be afforded the officers of the ship to have their statements placed on record before the vessel left the colony. He thought two members of the House should hold an inquiry, and suggested they should be Sir William Russell and Mr McNab. That arrangement would afford an investigation independent of the Defence Office. 
Mr Pirani interjected that both these gentlemen were military men. 
Sir Joseph Ward replied that that was in their favour. The Government would accept full responsibility for their selection, which he felt sure would meet with the approbation of the public. With regard to what Mr Monk had said, Sir Joseph Ward pointed out that it had been found impossible under the circumstances to give the Britannic's men a general public reception, but he and Mr Hall-Jones had extended to tbem as hearty a welcome as had been received by any of the other returning contingents. With reference to Colonel Davies, Sir Joseph Ward said he believed he had the confidence of the men he had brought back, and he deprecated any attempt to prejudice him or his officers before the inquiry was held. The officers' reports were ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.  -Manawatu Times, 6/8/1902.
Maheno Cemetery.

The transport Britannic, from Durban via Melbourne, arrived in the stream at 8.35 on Friday morning, having on board most of the Eighth New Zealand Regiment and details from the Ninth and Tenth.
A launch containing Colonel Newall, Captains Lomax and Joyce, Dr Pollen (port. Health Officer) and Dr Valintine (of the Health Department) immediately went off to the vessel and the examination of the men commenced forthwith. There was a good deal of sickness on board, caused to a large extent by cold and the crowded state of the ship. Between forty and fifty men were in hospital under the care of Surgeon-Major Pearless and the medical officers, suffering from a variety of diseases. After consultation it was decided to send to the Wellington Hospital ten of the patients, who were chiefly convalescents from typhoid. The remainder, chiefly patients from pneumonia and measles, will be removed to-morrow to Somes Island where a hospital will be established. Dr Purdy has consented to look after the men, and four nurses will be sent over to the island. There were three deaths on the voyage, all resulting from pneumonia, Private Lawrence, of Christchurch, having died after the transport left Melbourne. The crowded state of the steamer rendered it a difficult matter to deal with the outbreak of sickness, as isolation of the patients was practically impossible. 
It was not until well on in the afternoon that the work of inspecting the men was completed, and the vessel then weighed anchor and steamed up to the wharf, where an expectant crowd had been waiting for some hours. After one unsuccessful attempt, the vessel was securely berthed, and the scene on the wharf on the removal of the barriers was one of great turmoil. There was no restriction to the crowds that found their way to tho wharf, and the confusion was increased by the fact that, the gangway was not let down for some considerable time after the vessel was berthed. Meantime, baggage, rifles, trinkets, possibly even loot, contained in every description of bag, box, trunk, tin and strap, were bundled indiscrimately over the rail on to the wharf, the owners finding their way down afterwards by the friendly aid of a rope or steam pipe. About 350 men belonging to the South Island embarked immediately on the Mararoa, which left later in the evening for Lyttelton. The Britannic had on board, besides a crew of 158, 1017 officers and men. Following is a list of the officers:...  -NZ Mail, 6/8/1902.


A number of the troopers who returned by the Britannic called at the Herald Office Yesterday. They were very strong in condemnation of the accommodation and food on board of the Britannic. They said that the bread was fair, the meat was bad, the tea was bad, the coffee was bad. When complaints were made, no satisfaction was got. There was not sufficient room to swing the hammocks, and men had to lie on the floor below the hammocks, and on tables, or any corner they could get. They state also that food could always be bought from the cooks or stewards. This certanly should not have been the case, as this was giving these cooks an object in making the ordinary food uneatable. The officers had excellent quarters, and were well provided. To show this they handed us the breakfast menu card for the officers for July 29, as follows :- Fruit, Quaker oats, Yarmouth bloaters, codfish cakes, baked bass, sirloin steak, devilled sheep's kidney and bacon, split Cambridge sausage on toast, minced collops, broiled Cumberland ham, poached, fried, and boiled eggs, plain omelettes to order, Saratoga chips, Vienna and Graham rolls, scones, honey, marmalade, watercress.  -NZ Herald, 7/8/1902.

The Returned Troopers.
Per Press Association. Christchurch, August 10.— With regard to the Orient troopers the men in hospital with measels are doing well. Orders have been given for all men that returned by that boat to report to the Defence Department, so far only about 30 have come in, and these have been vaccinated by Dr. Symes, District Health Officer. A military hospital is to be established close to the infectious diseases hospital at Bottle Lake, and members of the Permanent Artillery will pitch 40 tents for that purpose tomorrow. The names of all returned men have been furnished to the police, and any who do not report will be arrested.  Wellington, Angust 10.— The small pox patients are doing well, and no further outbreak has occurred. Two more of the Britannic's men, O'Neill and Mousted, died yesterday. Marcks is very bad, and Craig, Ryan, Fleetwood, and Brown are dangerously ill. Johnstone is improving, and the remainder are doing well.  -Taranaki Herald, 11/8/1902.

The flags at Maheno were flying halfmast yesterday as a mark of respect to the memory of Trooper Louis Marcks of the Eighth Contingent, who died of pneumonia at the quarantine-station on Soames Island on Sunday last. It appears that he sickened two days before the Britannic got to Wellington, but as the illness was said to be measles, little uneasiness was felt by his parents who were daily expecting to see him come home. Of a quiet and retiring nature, Trooper Marcks was a universal favorite in the community and much sympathy is felt for his relatives in their sore affliction.    -Oamaru Mail, 12/8/1902.

The body of Trooper Louis Marcks, of Maheno, is to be brought home for interment, and is expected to reach Maheno tomorrow, in time for the funeral to take place the same day.   -Oamaru Mail, 13/8/1902.

There was a very large attendance at the unveiling yesterday, in Maheno Cemetery, of the monument raised by the residents of Maheno and Kakanui to the memory of the late Trooper Louis Marcks, who, it will be remembered, died in Wellington on his return from the front, after contracting the illness which carried him off on board the transport which was bringing him home. The circumstances of Trooper Marcks' death were the more sad because he survived the hardships and dangers of active service only to sacrifice his life on returning to the colony. The deceased soldier none the less died for his country, and it was most natural that his many friends should desire to perpetuate his memory and heroism by a special monument in their midst. The handsome memorial consists of a plain marble pillar on a bluestone base, and the inscription is: "Erected by residents of Maheno, in memory of Trooper Louis Marcks, 8th New Zealand Contingent, who died 10th August, 1902, aged 21 years. At Rest." The stone was from the yard of Mr J. Crombie, of Oamaru. The dedication ceremony in the cemetery was brief but most impressive, and was conducted by the Rev. H. J. Davis, of Hampden. The service commenced with the singing of the hymn "On the Resurrection Morn," after which Major Nichols briefly explained the purpose and history of the monument, and proceeded to unveil it, throwing aside the Union Jack with which it was honorably draped. Then followed the brief dedication service and the solemn function was at an end. The monument, however, will help, were such necessary, to keep the memory of Trooper Marcks green. The deceased was remarkably popular and was an estimable young man in every way.  -Oamaru Mail, 5/1/1903.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

NZ411908 Sergeant Walter Foch Kelcher, 1919-11/9/1942.

75 Squadron, RNZAF, of  'Aorangi ', Maheno . Freind of Wing Commander Fraser Barron DSO and BAR, DFC, DFM ( also grew up in Maheno). - No known copyright restrictions.

Walter Kelcher grew up in the Maheno area and was trained at No. 7 Aerial Observer School at Portage La Prairie, graduating his course in March, 1942.  He was then posted to bombing/air gunnery and navigation schools in Manitoba.  His first operational posting was to 75 (NZ) Squadron, flying Vickers Wellington bombers.

Walter's second operation was in a large raid on the German city of Dusseldorf. 479 aircraft took part, about half of them twin-engined bombers, the rest four-engined.  The target was effectively bombed using coloured flares known as "pink pansies," dropped on the target by specialised crews.  The RAF lost 33 aircraft, one of which was Wellington BJ974 with all its crew.

Rheinberg War Cemetery, Germany.

Walter and his crew were intitially listed as "Missing, believed killed."  The listing was later changed to "Missing, presumed dead."

KELCHER. — Sergeant Walter Foch, R.N.Z.A.F., killed on active service at Cologne on September 11. 1942, dearly loved youngest son of Isabella M. and the late Leonard Kelcher, of Maheno. "His duty nobly done."  -Otago Daily Times, 22/12/1942.

Maheno Cemetery.

NZ405253 Flying Officer Donald Irvine Grant, 9/10/1910-19/7/1944.

Donald Grant was a farmer when he enlisted in the Royal New Zealand Air Force at the end of 1940.  He was trained at the RNZAF base at Wigram, Christchurch, passing out in June, 1941.

He was assigned to No. 619 (Lancaster) Squadron, RAF, as Bomb-aimer, and his final mission was to a French town, Revigny, to attack a railway junction just after DDay.  Their target was an important part of the German supply line to the invasion area.

Their plane was shot down, presumably by a German night fighter, and crashed at Ussy-sur-Marne, where the crew are buried.  It was one of five lost by the Squadron that night.

Article image
"Pilots who passed out on completion of their training at Wigram on Saturday."-Press, 16/6/1941.  D I Grant is top row, second from left.

In Memoriam
GRANT.—In loving memory of Flying Officer Donald Irving Grant, 619 Bomber Squadron, killed in operations over Occupied France, July 19, 1944. — Inserted by his loving family, Oamaru.  -Otago Daily Times, 19/7/1946.

Maheno Cemetery.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

"Photographic Enlargement" - an Edwardian scam - part 1.

At the beginning of the 20th Century some of New Zealand's "prominent people" began to receive circulars all the way from Paris in their mail.  The circulars offered them somethng which seemed too good to be true.  

Of course, it was too good to be true.


Just now, says "Truth," people are receiving a circular and coupon entitling them to a fine life-size crayon-portrait — valued at £4 — from one Tanquerey, 22, Rue de Turin, Paris, for nothing. One has but to send a photograph of oneself and the rest is as stated. The circular is specially worded, and says: —"In order to introduce our work to Australia we have decided to make a limited number of our portraits for some prominent people, absolutely free of charge, believing that to be the best and cheapest method of advertising our work amongst the English speaking people." The average imbecile, who loves "something for nothing" will not be likely to smell a rat, rather the contrary, on being thus informed that his fame as a "prominent" person has reached Paris. Accompanying the circular and coupon, are some alleged commendatory extracts from London "Truth," which to anyone who knows Mr Labouchere's keen delight in unmasking villiany, will sound very funny indeed. Dr Anderson, head of the Criminal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard, has frequently exposed this latest swindle. The modus operandi is said to consist in a demand for payment for a frame for the "fine crayon portrait," which is often paid. When not paid, blackmailing legal letters are the result, and some stupid people are frightened into handing over their money. We wish to warn the "prominent" persons who get these circulars to invest their £4 in something other than Tanquerey's pictures.  -Wanganui Chronicle, 8/5/1902.

Mr Labouchore writes in Truth:— "By the last mail from New Zealand I received a batch of 'free portrait' circulars, addressed by the man Tanquerey to people in that colony, who, luckily for them, happened to be readers of Truth. As, however, there may be some other colonists who have not that advantage it seems desirable to point out for the benefit of New Zealanders generally that the testimonial described as 'Truths from Truth, by Mr Labouchere, Editor,' is an impudent fabrication, which is equally true of others, and, I believe, of all the Press notices on the same sheet. The circulation of a forgery of this kind ought to be a sufficient warning as to the character of the individual who offers the 'free portrait.' Will New Zealand newspapers kindly note these remarks."  -Manawatu Standard, 30/6/1902.

A la Francaise: For Prominent People Only. 
Sir, — Your Laboucherian extract in last week's "Local and General" is very much to the point, and is characteristic of that energetic anti-war newspaper proprietor's determination to turn Truth's searchlight upon every fair-faced swindle that comes within the horizon of his pen. Apart from the unfortunate mental twist which prompted him to start around enveloped in the many-coloured folds of the now non-existent Transvaal flag, Mr Labouchere appears in a praiseworthy light as the guardian of those of his readers whose bump of gullibility has not been reduced by sharp-edged experience, and his exposure of countless schemes for robbing his more trusting fellows gives appropriateness to his favourite motto: "Tell the truth, and shame the devil."
Thinking that the paragraph referred to may have escaped the eye of some prospective victim, I should like, with your permission, to add a further word of warning and explanation. One of the circulars mentioned by Mr Labouchere reached me, all the way from France, a few weeks ago. The document is typewritten, and is headed by the pale blue representation, of a large seven-storeyed building, with a pavement full of lady and gentlemen customers thronging in and out, and with an interior view of a number of beautiful mop-headed artists at their easels, palettes, and brushes, and all. In flower-encircled letters appears the legend, 
"Societe Artistique de Portraits, A. Tanquerey, Directeur, 22 Rue de Turin, Paris."
The unreliable typewriter then goes on to inform me that "The above is the name of a first-class association of artists," etc., etc., and further on says that to introduce their beautiful, artistic, life-size crayons to Australia, they have decided to make a "limited number" for some "prominent people" absolutely free of charge, etc., etc. With repeated instructions to write my name and address "distinctly," Messoo Tanquerey adds some important trifles in the shape of a few rather vague remarks about postage, and the necessity for the ''proper amount" being sent. The latter point seems to me to be the fulcrum on which the lever of monsieur raises its victims. Among several puffing press notices, there is only one from the Southern Hemisphere. It is from Sydney Truth, edited by Mr John Norton, the latter being, if I am not mistaken, the gentleman who lately added to much previous notoriety by alluding to the boys of our Tenth Contingent as "human throwbacks" and "narrow-gutted goats." His insularity is significant. 
Although it may seem an irrelevancy, I should like to point out that the devil is not always so black as he is painted. Directeur Tanquerey, in spite of his guile, is evidently a man of much discernment. You would notice how he alludes to me as a "prominent" person. Now, you know, of course, that is all right, but it only proves the truth of the proverb about a prophet gaining no honour, etc. I have not yet received my "life-like, full-sized artistic crayon portrait." I didn't send for one: but of course that has no bearing on th matter. 
— I am, etc., Drumawhandie. Patearoa, July 9.  -Otago Witness, 16/7/1902.

The enterprising Tanquerey, who poses as Director of the so-called "Societe Artistique de Portraits," a Parisian institution of questionable probity, continues to exploit, among others, those guileless New Zealanders who are foolish enough to believe that he is anxious to supply them with artistic crayon portraits of their handsome selves without remuneration. It takes some people a long time to learn that in this world there is little to be got for nothing. As we write we have before us a communication addressed by the genial Tanquerey to a Wanganui resident who has evidently been good enough to send his own or his best girl's photograph to the benevolent Directeur. This communication is of a very encouraging nature. In the first place, the confiding colonial is informed that he is the prospective owner of a splendid picture. "We have much pleasure," says the writer, "in informing you that we have just completed your life size portrait, which has been made after the photograph you were kind enough to send us some little while ago, and we feel sure you will be pleased with our efforts, the work in question being one of the finest crayon portraits it is possibe to produce, and at the same time a perfect likeness." This is excellent, but it is not all. "Thinking that you might desire a handsome frame for this portrait," the circular goes on to say, "we take the liberty of enclosing you a catalogue of the latest Parisian designs. Our prices, as you will see, are extremely reasonable, and we should esteem it a great favour if you could see your way to favour us with an order for a frame, as leaving aside the question of profit of a frame which is very small and which goes to the artist the fact of having the picture framed ensures its reaching you free from scratches or rubbing, in a word in first-class order. At the same time we wish it to be thoroughly understood that the purchasing of frame is in no wise a condition for obtaining the portrait, as we desire to leave you quite free to make your own selection wherever it may best suit you." This is better and better. But there is still more to come. Thus: "Should you finally decide not to have the portrait framed we would ask you to be good enough to forward us the sum of 10s to cover our expenses in the way of packing, boxing and freight charges from Paris to your home. . . .Enclosed please find a blank order form, bearing your registered number, which please return to us duly filled in with the amount you wish to expend, and on receipt of your reply your portrait shall be forwarded with the least possible delay." This is all fair and above board, surely. What is the matter with Tanquerey? Why question his bona fides? But let us finish this interesting circular. At the end there appears, in bold letters, the following notice: — "In order to enable the prompt shipment of your portrait, we beg you to forward, us, with your order the RECEIPT delivered to you by your Post Master when sending your remittance. This is absolutely needed at General Post Office here to control money order on its arrival." That is all the good Mr Tanquerey wants — your money and your receipt. When he has got that he may — or he may not — send you your beautiful crayon portrait. If he does not, what claim have you got against him? Oh, the circular. But the circular is not signed. It bears the superscription — "Yours faithfully, A. Tanquerey, Director," but it is all type-written. Nevertheless we have no doubt that many photographs and many remittances will continue to find their way to the Societe Artistique de Portraits. But apart altogether from the fact that his far-off clients, once they have sent him the "absolutely needful" receipt is powerless to successfully prosecute him. Tanquerey no doubt feels tolerably secure. The individual sum involved is too small, even plus the cost of a "handsome frame of Parisian design," to warrant anyone other than a lunatic or a public-spirited philantrophist of a kind not now in fashion instituting legal proceedings for its recovery. Besides the average man, once he realises that he has been bitten, prefers to let the sore place heal in private. It is one thing to get something for nothing. It is quite another thing to expect to get something for nothing, to find instead thatone has really given something for nothing, and to proclaim the foolishness of one's expectations from the housetop or the witness-box. Tanquerey, the gay Parisian, may be the heaven-born head of a body of heaven-born artists possessed of the notion that it is their mission in life to present the inhabitants of the world with crayon portraits. On the other hand, it is just possible that the same Tanquerey may be something entirely different. Whatever he is, we confess that we do not like the innocently-worded condition relative to the "absolutely needed" receipt. We wonder how many photographs and remittances have been sent from this colony, and how many crayon portraits have come back in return?  -Wanganui Chronicle, 21/10/1902.

Sir, — Some eighteen months ago I sent a photo to Mons. A. Tanquerey. Shortly afterwards you exposed the fraud. When applied to by him, everything fitted with your account. I therefore sent him the clipping, with a suggestion that now was his chance to prove he was not a common swindler. The enclosed is the second communication I have had since. Thanking you for exposing it (I have since prevented three others being had), I send this to you to post you in the latest more.—Yours, etc., ONE WHO INVESTIGATED. Christchurch, January 9th. 
[Our correspondent encloses a letter received from M. Tanquerey, who reminds him that the "Societe Artistique" are still without instructions concerning his life-sized crayon portrait. "If you could only be here in our studio," writes M Tanquerey, and see the magnificent specimen we have turned out for you, you would not hesitate a minute in remitting us the ten shillings we have already asked you to pay for the necessary boxing, packing, and carriage expenditure from Paris to your home." He proceeds to say that if the ten shillings is forwarded, he will not only deliver the portrait, but he will also make our correspondent a present of a hand camera (picture enclosed), and deliver it free of all charges. He encloses "a few unsolicited testimonials" and an order-form.]  -Press, 13/1/1903.

“Tout a Vous’’ writes to the editor: — In Monday morning’s issue of your valuable journal, under the heading “'Questionable Tactics — Caution to the Public,” I notice an article reflecting on the bona-fides of a certain institution in Paris, who offered to give a crayon picture in return for a photograph, or, rather, upon receipt of the photograph they would execute a crayon portrait “free of charge.” As you invite information, I am pleased to be able to assure you that I have been “through the mill.” By the English mail which arrived about a month ago I received not only the photograph of my daughter which I had forwarded, but also the crayon picture as per their offer. I remitted 6s to Paris, and had to pay, for Customs duty, 2s to the postal authorities here, in addition, on arrival of crayon. The whole of the particulars as given by you are on all fours with my experience in this matter, but it seems to me the whole thing hinges on this: The director says he will make a picture free of charge, and he does so, but he does not guarantee to deliver it to your home free of charge. I am perfectly satisfied. The picture which I have received from them is beautifully executed, and I think it exceedingly cheap at the price. Should you care to inspect the finished article, I shall be delighted to call upon you and show you both the photograph and the crayon, likewise the whole of the correspondence, which I have preserved, as for some time I suspected the genuineness of the offer. In justice to the director of the society or Association of Artists, as they are termed, I think you should let the public know that at least some persons come off all right, and that it is not altogether a fraud.
Mr W. Guise, 28. Cuba street, writes: — I am one of those who sent a photograph for enlargement gratis to A. Tanquerey, Societe Artistiques de Portraits, Paris. Then came a demand for 10s, to pay for cost of packing and forwarding the enlargement and supplying a camera. I sent the 10s, and while it was on its way to France another letter arrived from the Societe, offering to supply for 6s what it had previously asked 10s for. In time I got the enlargement — a very poor piece of work. No camera has yet arrived. 
Mr N. D. Anderson, 100, Wellington terrace, writes: — Under the heading of “Questionable Tactics,” on Monday morning, you say you will be glad to hear the experiences of anyone who has sent photos to Paris in order to get a crayon enlargement. I sent a photograph to Paris for Mrs A. Anderson, in 1902, and got a letter a few months later asking for 10s for carriage. I sent a money order for 10s, but have received no crayon portrait or heard anything more about it. M. Tanquerey was the name of the person I communicated with.  -NZ Times, 5/1/1904.

[From our Special Correspondent.] LONDON, September 23.
It seems that the notorious Tanquerey, of "free portrait" fame, can still find victims in New Zealand, despite the many warnings which the newspapers of the colony have given their readers. A gentleman - in New Zealand confesses, in a letter to the editor of 'Truth,' that he has paid Tanquerey 6s 6d for the “packing and postage” of his “free portrait.” Although all attempts to induce him to buy a frame failed, he recognises that he has been swindled, for the postage on the portrait was exactly 2d, and the packing possibly cost another 1/2d. "It seems from this,” says Mr Labouchere, that the New Zealand papers might usefully give their readers a hint about the free portrait trick.” The warning, as I have said, has been given again and again, but there is no harm in repeating that people in the colony who receive circulars from Mr A. Tanquerey, will be well advised if they destroy them forthwith. Tanquerey, meanwhile, professes a profound indifference to anything the newspapers may say against him and his schemes. Here is a letter he has just sent to the editor of ‘Truth’ from his country house, Chateau “Mon Repos,” Blainville-sur-Mer, where the free portrait artist is enjoying a holiday. It is in reply to Mr Labouchere’s suggestion that “some free portrait swindler” who had lately been busy in Cape Colony might possibly be Tanquerey. The latter has no wish to hide his identity, as his extraordinary letter shows: — “Yes, indeed, it is the same irrepressible Tanquerey that is now working in South Africa. It is good field, as you know. There has been a few killed over there, thanks to Joe Chamberlain. I have also my eyes on Russia and Japan; there will be lots of pictures to be made there in the sweet by-and-bye. Meanwhile I am enjoying quietly the soft breezes in my beautiful chateau by the sea, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I do not give a .... for anyone, and specially for newspaper men, that so kindly take interest in my welfare. I am now working at a new scheme for the fall season, which promises wonderful results. You shall soon read of it. — I remain, as usual, yours truly, full of life and kicking, A. Tanquerey. P.S.— Anyone reading this letter would think I am from Yankeedom, hut I am not. I am only one of the 'cutest Normans you ever saw.”   -Evening Star, 3/11/1904.

RANDOM SHOTS by "Zamiel"
I am beginning to think that this colony must have had nearly enough of M. Tanquerey and his highly artistic crayon enlargements "free of charge." I have seen quite an imposing pile of literature on the subject within the last week; and a disgusted victim has just brought me in a specimen of Tanquerey's Work and copies of the corespondence connected therewith. The "Old-established and reliable firm of artists" went to work in the usual way, promising a crayon enlargement of portrait absolutely "free of all charges," and explaining that they took this course only to advertise their productions. In due time came the notice that the "crayon" was ready; but wouldn't the original like it framed? — (patterns and price list enclosed.) No, the Aucklander didn't want a frame, and said so; and M. Tanauerey then demanded the usual 10/, for packing and posting. "A crayon portrait," remarks M. Tanquerey reflectively, "cannot be compared with a chromo or a lithograph, and in order to secure its safe arrival it must be carefully wrapped and boxed." In this letter occurs a charmingly emotional phrase into which the "Artistic Portrait Society" periodically bursts when it has nothing else to say: "If you could only be here in our studio and see the beautiful life-size crayon portrait," etc, etc., of course you wouldn't hesitate for a moment. However, the Auckland gentleman gave no sign of either sending that desirable 16/ or to Paris to see his portrait, and M. Tanquerey tried again. "We are sure," he writes with pathetic impressiveness, "that you do not expect us to defray these expenses in addition to making you a beautiful crayon portrait free of charge. We know," he adds with a truly romantic display of confidence, "that you are perfectly fair" — therefore, 10/, please. But even this touching appeal did not extract the required coin; so M. Tanquerey altered his tactics.
"Send us six shillings,'' he implores; "for this small sum, which is only a trifle to you, we guarantee to deliver your elegant crayon portrait free of charge." I don't know whether to marvel most at the shameless mendicancy of this or the unblushing impudence with which the Artistic Portrait Society repeats that it is sending the portrait "free of charge." Again for a space there was silence, and last of all came the following magnificent offer: "We have decided to make you a greater sacrifice by offering you, not only the portrait free, but also a handsome frame" — of course, on payment of the required 6/. Well, I gather that the Aucklander, being rather tired of the correspondence, paid the 6/, and he got his portrait, not to mention the frame. I have seen them both, and I am prepared to certify that their collective value is about 1/. The ''portrait" is a very poor photograph, not the least like a "crayon," and not particularly like the original. The "handsome frame" is a roughly-joined wooden fixture that would be dear at sixpence; and the "portrait," unglazed, is kept in its place by large nails. As to the "packing," the cardboard box may be worth 3d, and the stamp cost about 6d. The "long-established and reliable" Paris firm thus asks, and frequently receives, 10/ for an object that no decently civilised person would spend more than 1/ on if ever they thought of buying it at all. It seems to me to add insult to injury that the unfortunate victims have to pay 2/ duty for the privilege of importing an atrocious libel on their features in a quite impossible frame. I don't know whether to wonder most at the unspeakable effrontery of M. Tanquerey or his success in deluding so many people. But I think I have done my duty by my readers now, so far as he is concerned.  -Auckland Star, 2/9/1905.

The "approach from afar" via circular ran its short course - at least in New Zealand -  after a few years.  But the success of the "free enlargement" scam must have made others think of further possibilities.  Chapter 2 of this story reveals the more personal approach employed by Monsieur Tanquerey's successors.

"Photographic Enlargement," an Edwardian scam - part 2

WANTED, young Lady for office Apply Anglo-American Art Co., 32, Lower Cuba-street.   -Evening Post,30/9/1907.

Ladies’ and Gents.’ Canvassers. Apply Anglo-American Art Co., 32, Lower Cuba street; good wages.   -NZ Times, 24/10/1907.


SIX LADY CANVASSERS; previous experience unnecessary; good salary. — Anglo-American Art Co., Empire Buildings. Princes street.   -Otago Daily Times, 1/11/1907.

Late Advertisements

SMART Salesman; 8 to 9 tonight, or 8.30 Friday. Anglo-American Art Co., Empire Buildings.   -Evening Star, 2/12/1907.

WANTED, Boy about 15; must know Dunedin well. 

Anglo-American Art Co., 4 Empire Building, Princes street.   -Evening Star, 17/1/1908.

The "New Zealand Truth" is, in its passionate (if not sometimes lurid) denunciation of con tricks and con artists, excellent copy and an excellent window on the darker doings and less respectable people of its times.

Unfortunately, it is also a window on the normalised racism of its day.  This is interesting enough for itself, and I may cover the subject at length in the future.  

For now, please note that, in reproducing the attitudes in the following story, I do not in any way agree with them.

Photo Fakers and Impudent Impostors.
Exposed All Over Australasia.
Pursuant to promise, "Truth" intends to deal out "stoush" to those humbugging, faking, free photo fiends who have hung out their shingles in Wellington and are defrauding the public by a specious system that, if not criminal, is close to it, and deserves the exposure that is being made. Unwittingly, the remarks that have been made have reflected on very respectable and honest photographic firms, who legitimately give free enlargements when a half-dozen or dozen photographs are purchased. There is no humbug or false pretence about these firms. The enlargement is usually a valuable one and generally sought for by those who have their photographs taken. This explanation, we trust, will clear any misconception. We are dealing not with photographers, but with some wretched wasters who are exploiting New Zealand with the enlargement and framing racket. Quite a number of enlargements and their frames have been brought to "Truth's" office for inspection. The enlargements are by no means faithful likenesses; they are unskilfully produced, no doubt being the work of some bum dauber. They are of the charcoal variety, and those who know anything of the footpath artist of London, or even Australia, will agree with "Truth" that any charcoal enlargement is not worth eighteenpence at the utmost. The frames for which charges of from one to three guineas are made are of the 
A vain imitation of high-class work always, but on close inspection prove to be clumsily joined and worth, if anything, from 5s to 10s. It is in the framing business that these charlatans reap a big profit. The enlargement fake is but a snare by which the unwary are tricked by the promise of an enlargement. Next they are blackmailed into purchasing a frame at a big price — the photo faker's price — and the refusal to pay that price is a threat of legal proceedings and the retention of the photograph from which the enlargement is to be made. It has been asked of this paper by one of these picture frame and enlargement concerns what earthly use it was retaining possession of any photograph, and the answer is that the retention of a photograph, perhaps the photo of a deceased mother, father, husband, wife, child, brother, or sister, is a lowdown bit of base blackmail. None know it better than these base rogues. They know that such photographs are of priceless value to the friends and relatives of the deceased, and it is by hanging on like an octopus to these photos and refusing to part with them till the victim pays through the nose for the faked photos and the worthless frame, that these snide and unscrupulous schemers work their own ends. The canvassers for these concerns are 
not above frightening a woman into signing anything. The fact that some of these canvassers lie freely and too well, promising anything so long as the deposit is paid or the instalments regularly made, is sufficient for "Truth's" appeal to the police to keep their eyes on these scoundrels. Some of them are gaol-birds, who, by a house-to-house canvas, are looking out for cribs to crack. 
Last week this paper promised to deal with another of these wretched photo enlargement and framing joints known as the "Anglo-American Art Co.," which is situated somewhere in Lower Cuba-street. This crooked concern, who were by last week's issue notified that they would be exposed, is apparently identical with a crooked joint of the same name, that recently made things so hot in Western Australia that Perth "Truth" took them m hand with the following result: — "During the last few weeks not only the metropolitan areas but practically the whole of the Southwestern districts of this State has been over-run by a crowd of canvassers who are out working a very lucrative business in the "'free" photoenlarging line. The "modus operandi" of these shekel-snaring gentlemen is simple in the extreme - its very simplicity is what inspires and leads to success. As a matter of fact our information is to the effect that something like 27 canvassers are scouring the country on behalf of the Art Co. referred to. The canvasser visits a house and offers the occupant a free enlargement to any photo which may be handed over. There is to be no charge whatever, and this extraordinary offer is made so that the alleged "Art" Co. may advertise its works of art. As the visits of the canvassers are made during the day it is rarely that any but females are in the house, and of course
find that a photo — usually of some honored member of the family — is handed over. Next a slip of paper to the following effect is handed over by the canvasser: — 
Head Office: 17 Wright's Lane, Melbourne. Branches: Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Port Pirie, Launceston, Hobart, Broken Hill, Toowoomba, Dunedin, Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Perth. W.A., etc. 
Local Branch:...... 
To advertise our works of Art we offer you our 20 x 16 CRAYON LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT OF ANY PHOTO, entrusted to us, FREE OF CHARGE. The usual price of these is from 3 to 4 guineas. In order to avoid the finished portrait becoming finger-soiled, we will deliver the portrait framed only and our salesman will call upon you in a few days with a variety of mouldings, at reasonable prices. Date: ..... Representative: ..... No statements will be recognised other than those contained in this slip.
A few days after the canvasser's visit, the salesman happens along with his samples of mouldings for frames. He displays his wares, talks glibly of the beauty of the enlargement, and advises the victim to have it placed in one of the good frames, which are quoted at anything from 30s up to £4. Of course, he points out that such a picture could not reasonably be placed in a 30s frame, — the lowest-priced one of the lot — and invariably the order is given for "something good," which means "something costing perhaps £3 or over." Of course, the matter of a cash deposit is mentioned when the order for the frame is secured, and 7s 6d is secured as the lowest deposit which the co. accepts. This part of the business being settled the woman is informed that the enlargement will be ready in about six weeks' time and that when it is brought along the firm will collect the balance on the frame and hand it latter over. 
Now, just to let this Anglo-American Art mob know that "Truth" KNOWS it, it is just as well to mention that this concern is a Jew-own-ed joint. Some time ago it was ruthlessly exposed in the columns of Sydney "Truth," to its exceeding great discomfort. During the year just ended it has been figuring m a somewhat big way. Its office in Mitchellstreet, just round the corner from Hargreaves-street, Bendigo (Vic), was a thing of garish beauty, though it by no means threatened to be a "joy for ever." The people of that goldfields town were squealing in a loud and angry tone of voice more than six months ago, at the 
of this same Anglo-American Art Co. When this Jew-owned concern (by the way one of the Jew principals was at one time "boots" and night-porter at the big Shamrock Hotel in Williamson-street, Bendigo), it began by buying up the book debts and the "connection" of another snide concern that had gone up the financial spout — the International Art Co. One at least of the employees that this impudent concern had on its Bendigo staff — a Johannesburg Jew named Pert Levy — has since been on arrested for forgery in Melbourne, and committed for trial. 
Most of the above, it might be mentioned, is from the columns of Westralian "Truth," and, needless to remark, the statements made can, if necessary, be proved to the satisfaction of a jury in New Zealand. However, though the doings of this sharpsnouted Jew-owned concern in Australia have little or no interest for the average New Zealander, it cannot but be remarked that the canvassers, or those running it in New Zealand, employ just the same tactics as even in the Golden West. Recently a young woman brought to "Truth" office for inspection one of the AngloAmerican Co.'s frames, for which the sum of £2 odd had been paid. It was a case of daylight robbery. The frame was worth at least five shillings. "Truth" remarked on the rotten nature of the frame in a subsequent issue, and it is here that this paper proposes to speak pretty plainly. Some time in December last one of the canvassers of this alleged Art Co. successfully prevailed on a female resident of Jacob's Place to have a frame, the value of winch was placed at £2 2s. A small deposit was paid, and the frame was to be delivered as soon as possible. Every week the payments were made but no frame was forthcoming. Every week a promise was made of its early delivery. At the time "Truth" office was sought and the facts of the deal were outlined, the sum of l1s was due, and that frame had not then been delivered.

on reading a paragraph in "Truth" and questioned the canvasser, who denied that the paragraph referred to referred to the Anglo-American Art Co., which was a lie in the first place. Moreover, the  canvasser immediately began to enlarge on the small powers of "Truth" to injure the firm, and the woman in question was invited to make enquiries concerning the bona fides of the "joint," which was pictured as being in a very healthy financial condition, which "Truth" would not be surprised at seeing how successful these fake concerns are in securing so many mugs. This paper does not know whether the woman in question has yet got her two-guinea frame. It hopes she has, but one thing can be tolerably certain, she hasn't got value for her money. This Anglo-American Art Co., like the other Jew-oontrolled "joint" dealt with last week, seems to be run by impudent impostors, who just manage to keep within the law, knowing full well that one false step on their part will earn them gaol. If the Law cannot reach them just now, "Truth" hopes that the publicity given them will cause a too-confiding public to reflect when invited to deal in any way with these schemers.  -NZ Truth, 11/4/1908.

More About the American-Anglo Art Company. 
Another Instance of its Bluff and Blackmail. 
As "Truth" mentions elsewhere, it has been inundated with complaints concerning the free photo enlargement fakers who are making Wellington their headquarters but whose canvassers are practically running riot m the country districts. These humbugging harpies are a very impudent crowd, and what is more, are fearful liars. Next week this paper proposes to deal very summarily with the National Art Company of Taranaki-street, which is a sort of family affair, the head of the "joint" being some individual named Barker. This insolent fellow, whose foolish clients have been rooked, have complained to him and pointed out that "Truth" is exposing the fakes, and he has had the impudence to say that "Truth" was going to apologise to him, and the sort of apology Barker and his crooked joint will receive next issue ought to just about 
And if after the exposures that have been made, these fakers get hold of more mugs, we can only express our regret. In the meantime, however, "Truth" wishes to direct the attention of the police to a band of swindling thieves that have been working the South Island of late months. This rooking crowd, prints itself "The Artistic Photo Enlarging Studio," of 4 Featherstone-stteet, Wellington. It is the same old dodge as set forth in their "agreement." This circular is worded as follows: — 
In order to advertise our CELEBRATED PORTRAITS, we will for a very limited time enlarge ONE PHOTO (Life size) for the small sum of Ten and Sixpence being the bare cost of material and finishing. Parties availing themselves of this opportunity will have to pay three and sixpence to the agent taking the order and the balance of Seven shillings when the Portrait is delivered. This offer does not include frame, and parties are not bound to frame the Pictures with us, although we grant them at a very reasonable price. N.B. — Two and Sixpence for second person on enlargement, and One Shilling for each additional person extra. A safe return of original photo guaranteed. I agree to the above conditions and promise to pay promptly on delivery. Signature —
Agent; H. Herbert. Only the conditions printed in this form will be acknowledged.
Now, the emissaries of this joint in November last raided the town. of Raumai. A photograph was obtained and a small deposit paid. Months elapsed, but there was no sign of the enlargement. Then, in the endeavor to get back the photograph, a friend of the victim resident in Wellington called on the "Artistique" mob at the printed address and what is not curious to relate, could not find them, nor did anybody know of their existence. Here, at any rate, is a specific instance of theft, and "Truth" thinks it is just about up to the police to move in the matter and seek an explanation from Mr Herbert, which, no doubt, is a fictitious name. Certainly, "Truth" issues this warning to the public against 
or deposit to anybody representing himself or herself as the "Artistique" Photo Enlarging Studio. If they do they will regret it. 
Now, this paper has dealt very freely with the Anglo-American Art Company, which is a Jew-controlled joint, and which has been exposed right throughout Australasia. The representatives of this concern have played some very hanky-panky tricks when dealing with women, and it is due to a lack of evidence that one or more of the low blackguards connected with the fake have not found themselves before Magistrate Riddell. This Anglo American Art Company is an impudent, fraudulent concern. It is up to all sorts of bluff and trickery, and the latest sample of its impudence is supplied "Truth" by a Hopper-street resident, whose wife very foolishly listened to the wiles of the canvassing serpent. Now there is neither enlargement or original in that house. A framed photograph has been supplied and refused. Firstly because the photograph is a failure and secondly because the price asked for the frame is unheard of. A sum of £2 is asked for, its real value being something like 10s. Unfortunately a deposit has been paid, the original photograph has been retained by the blackmailers, whose retention of the photograph means "you pay us our price and we will give you the photograph we hold." Now, however, these sharping shicers hsrs made a mistake. Apparently they do not know that to use or copy any official forms in New Zealand is an offence. The use of blue paper to frighten creditors is 
and as the Anglo-American Art Company; see fit in their blackmailing business to use official, or a copy of official, documents the attention of the police is directed to the following:— 
Anglo American Art Co., v. Mrs —, 
To Mrs —— WHEREAS you being now indebted to Anglo American Art Co., of Wellington, in the sum of one pound twelve shillings, particulars of which have been rendered, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to pay forthwith to the said Anglo-American Art Co. the above-named sum within two weeks from this date, failing which proceedings will be entered at the Court of Petty Sessions at Wellington, on a date of which due notice will be given. Failing payment of any order made against you execution may issue or proceedings may be taken under the "Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors' Act." 
Dated at Wellington this fourteenth day of April, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight. 
For the American Art Co., C. DRURY. 
It is like the impudence of this wretched firm of rooking rotters to use such a threat, and it would be the worst day's work ever done by this swindling mob if they did bring their "victims" into Court, because then the Magistrate would be given an idea of the extent to which these blackmailers will go. It is a fraudulent business that is being carried on. They sail as close to the criminal border as they dare, and it should be the duty of the police to keep their eyes on these people, because some of their trickery practically amounts to false pretences. The canvassers make all sorts of false promises. The victim is ensnared into parting with a photograph. After that the photo is the instrument of blackmail. If this is not a matter for police intervention "Truth" would like to know what is. Anyhow, the Anglo-American Art crowd can take it from this paper that it knows a lot more about them than has been published, and if the crooked crowd feel that they are being unjustly dealt with there is a very lop-sided libel law in the country that might help them to show they are philanthropists and not as we say they are — thieves, and swindlers and blackmailers.  -NZ Truth, 18/4/1908.

How it Works the Game in the West
Some weeks ago in these columns we (says the Westralian "Truth") gave a comprehensive history and a detailed account of the dubious doings, of the Anglo-American Art Co. This is a Jew-owned snide firm of free photo and frame fiends that has only just struck this long-suffering State, and which hangs out its shingle in Wellington-street. For years past this concern, through gangs of house to house canvassers, has been exploiting the Eastern States, and its peculiar practices have more than once been exposed in the columns of the various Eastern editions of "Truth." The exposure published some weeks ago was so complete and convincing as to preclude any necessity for a recapitulation here. It was stated that the concern was a
that had only, just got to work in Westraiia, and against whose wiles the readers of "Truth," particularly impressionable matrons, were specifically warned. It was pointed out, too, that the quondam manager of this precious concern (one, Alfred Weaver), had come across from Adelaide in the s.s. Sydney, reaching Fremantle somewhere about January 10, and that this bumptious young bounder had openly declared that the firm rather gloried in the exposures that had been made of his cronk concern in t'other-side editions of "Truth," regarding such in the light of a profitable advertisement. Whatever little profit the Anglo-American Art Co. may make out of this little lot, the Jew-owned "joint" is cordially welcomed to. Theirs is not the first shameless swindle, by many a hundred, that "The People's Paper" has bumped the stuffing out of, and it won't be the last. There are others — and near at hand, too. Of a verity the trite old Latin saying is sound: 
"Mighty is truth and will prevail." In addition to exposing the ingenuous insolence of the take-down tactics of this band of brazen bandits, we also branded the Anglo-American Art Co. as a scandalous sweating shop. That impeachment has been abundantly vindicated by a case heard in the local court on April 8, before Messrs A. W. Glover and J. F. Duffield, J.P.'s. The latter magistrate had only that morning been sworn into the Commission of the Peace, so that this was the first case on which he was assisted to adjudicate. The case was one in which a young English immigrant, Alfred Charles Hewitt, sued the Anglo-American Co. for the recovery of £2, being £1 week's wages and £1 in lieu of a week's notice. The plaintiff, it may be mentioned, on perceiving that an attempt had been made by the Jew-owned joint to diddle him out of his just dues; had called on "Truth" and had been advised by this paper to tackle the cronk concern in the Small Debts Courts, with the result shown in the sequel. The plaintiff was represented by Barrister Hare and the A. A. A. Co. was represented by the redoubtable Lavan. Mr Hare explained that Hewitt, the plaintiff, was an immigrant, who had been sent out from Australia from the Old Country, by the Westralian Agent-General. He had been led to believe that he would find abundant openings for the sale of his labor on Westralian fruit farms, but, disappointed in this direction, he eventually 
of the Anglo-American Art Co. He was to canvass for photos, promising customers an enlargement FREE OF CHARGE, though the Co. got in its finer work by subsequently sending along another canvasser to try and "ring in" upon the prospective victim a fancy priced frame. Hewitt was to be paid at the munificent rate of "20s a week and find yourself" — real good cocky farmers' rates — and he was at liberty to work as many hours a day as he chose or as he could crowd into the day. The Co. made no restrictions in this respect. He was engaged by Weaver on a Thursday morning, and on Saturday received 6s 8d — two days' pay at the rate of 3s 4d per day. On March 21 he was sent to canvass Northam at the rate of 30s a week, but not making any headway in that sweet, rural settlement, he returned to Perth, appropriately enough, leaving Northam on 
He was then sent along to Maylands, but found the rustics there equally shy, and again returned to Perth, he had signed a receipt for "wages to date, but not in full," and now claimed the sum of £2 from the Co. — one week's wages, £1, and in lieu of one week's notice, £1. Mr Hare sought to put in the agreement which the servants of the A.A.A. Co. foist upon unsuspecting customers who "come at" the "free of charge" enlargement fake, but, on the objection of Mr Lavan, this interesting document was not admitted by the Bench. The plaintiff, an intelligent young man, and apparently a decidedly desirable acquisition to the State's population, told a tale that in every particular bore out the opening explanation of his counsel. 
Alfred Weaver, the gentleman who, as manager, introduced the A.A.A. Co. to Westralia, entered the witness-box, and had an exceedingly lively time of it under the searching cross-examination of Lawyer Hare. He produced a document which he confidently anticipated would blow the plaintiff higher than the moon. It didn't. Here is the document: — 
NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES. All employees in the employ of the Anglo-American Art Co. are hereby notified that all engagements of employees are from day to day. A week's notice is not required on either side. 
By Order, Anglo-American Art Co. 15/2/'07. per Zukka. 
Weaver testified that he had engaged plaintiff at 20s a week and claimed that he could "sack him at a day's notice," all the Co.'s employees were engaged on those terms. He had come across from Adelaide in the s.s. Sydney and had been manager of the A.A.A. Co. until the preceding day, when one Zukka had taken over the management. 
Cross-questioned, the wily Weaver cut a very sorry figure indeed. He could not remember how long he had been in the State, or how long Zukka had been in the State, though he believed the latter had come across in the s.s. Grantala. He could not certainly say whether Zukka was in the State on February 15, the date on which the precious notice just quoted was ostensibly issued. 
The new manager of the gorgeous A.A.A. Co. then took the stand to testify. He, too, proved a man of peculiarly unreliable memory. He was employed by the Co. purely as a servant — "to do anything" — but he could not say the exact date when he struck Westralia. He had been working for the same Co. in Victoria. He could not say whether he had been in the State a fortnight  
(newspaper story damaged)
of my belief I was, but I will not swear to the date of my arrival. 
When did you sign this agreement? — I think it was the day after I arrived. 
Is it not a fact that this Anglo-American Art Co., of which you are now manager, has been repeatedly hauled over the coals by the press, and exposed as a swindling and sweating concern? 
Mr Lavan objected, and the question was not answered. 
Mr Hare pointed out that the vacillating tales told by Weaver and Zukka for the defence, and also that the "notice'' ostensibly signed by Zukka was of no effect, seeing that it was a contravention of the law of the land. 
Mr Lavan contended that if the plaintiff consented to be bound by such an agreement, it was "'his own look-out" if he was victimised. The magistrates very properly and properly entered judgment lor the plaintiff for the full amount claimed (despite the protest of Lawyer Lavan) with £1 3s costs.
This decision constitutes a decidedly bad bump for this enterprising band of house-to-house bounders, and should serve to show them that, however successful they have been in their campaign of swindling and sweating in the Eastern States, they cannot with impunity carry on the same merry game in Westralia. That much was prophesied to the Jew-owned "joint" weeks ago by "Truth," but, seemingly, the A.A.A. Co. employs only persons of pachydermatous hide, and the warning was unheeded. Manager Zukka had better sit down and think hard ere worse befalls his snide show. And foolish flats who neglect to unloose the family house-dog when these photo frame fiends call, have only themsalyes to blame if they are bitten. This paper has discharged its duty to the public in once again warning people just what sort of a cronk concern this Anglo-American Art Co. really is.   -NZ Truth, 9/5/1908.

Upon the victim refusing to pay for a shoddy product, the company had another trick to play - attempting to further con them with a "legal" document pretending to have the weight of the law behind it.  No doubt it was often effective.

Per Press Association. Wellington, Last Night. Stanley G. Robinson was charged at the S..M. Court to-day with posting to Mrs. Curtis a document which by reason of its wording or appearance was likely to cause any person ignorant of the law to believe it had been issued by a Court of law, a Judge, Magistrate, or other officer of the Court. Defendant was manager of the Anglo-American Art Co., which gives away enlargements, making a charge for the frame. Mrs. Curtis ordered some enlargements, and a dispute arose as to payment. Mrs. Curtis then received a document printed on blue paper and couched in precise legal terms threatening the received with proceedings in the Magistrate's Court. The defendant called on Mrs. Curtis later, and asked her "if she had received the summons." 
The Chief Detective stated that the practice of distributing such documents was becoming very common. 
His Worship held that the document bore enough resemblance to a Court paper to constitute its issue a breach of the law. He therefore imposed a fine of £2, with costs £1 3s; in default, seven days' imprisonment.  -Taranaki Daily News, 6/6/1908.

Anglo-American Art Co.
A Blackmailing Firm Strikes Trouble.
"Truth" on the Right Track.
"Truth" for some time past has been digging into the free photo fakers of Wellington, trusting that our exposure of their crooked and criminal dodges would attract police attention. One of the most crooked and rascally concerns which came under notice was that Jew-controlled joint known as the Anglo-American Art Co., whose operations bordered close to down-right swindling. Moreover, we ventured the prophecy that the cunning crowd engaged in the swindling photoenlarging and framing game would overstep the mark, and in our last article we showed that the crooksters, in using a threatening document, purporting to be a court order, had contravened the Law, which prohibits firms from imitating court documents to frighten creditors. Thus it happened at the S.M. Court yesterday that one Stanley Gordon Robinson, manager of the Anglo-American Art Co.. was charged before Mr Riddell, S.M., with having, on May 18 last, posted to one Mrs Dorothy Mayne Curtis a certain document which was likely, by reason of its wording and appearance, to cause 
to believe, contrary to fact, that such document had been used by a Court of Law, by a judge or magistrate, or other officer of the Court. 
Chief Detective McGrath presented the facts to Magistrate Riddell, and Mr Cook for the defence contended that it was an ordinary lawful notice not likely to deceive. 
The Magistrate, however, held otherwise, and convicted Robinson and fined him 30s with costs amounting in all to £3 10s. 
"Truth" trusts now that this blackmailing firm have been convicted the fool public will be warned and not trust their photographs to such scoundrels, who resort to all shifts and devices to bleed their victims. Moreover, ''Truth" is satisfied with Robinson's conviction. We pointed out that the blackmailing firm, which he manages, was treading on dangerous ground, and this prosecution may have the happy effect of driving the Anglo-American Art Company and others of its blackmailing sort out of the Dominion; otherwise the police had better keep an eye on them; they're bound to cause further trouble.  -NZ Truth, 6/6/1908.

Complaints Against Several Crooked Concerns.
What Are the Police Doing?
That swindling shindicate, the Anglo-American Art Company, has been repeatedly exposed in these columns, but it still continues to prey upon the credulity and trustfulness of women in isolated places, writes "Truth's" Christchurch correspondent. Making a present of alleged enlargements of photos which have been pencilled into a hideous unlikeness of the original, the crafty company makes a substantial charge for worthless frames that are glued around the finished "picture," and threaten Court proceedings when the victim whimpers. The blastiferous impostors haven't the courage to try any of their hanky-panky business on with a man, but harass and terrify unsuspecting women with formal demands, and practically blackmail the victims by keeping treasured photos until the exorbitant demands are complied with. Occasionally, however, they strike a lady who shows fight and "Truth" is pleased to hear of such a one at Musselburgh, in the vicinity of Dunedin. The insinuating canvasser of the unwholesome company succeeded in obtaining a photograph from Mrs Catherine Helm, of Queen's Drive, Musselburgh, on the understanding that she was to pay 30s by instalments for a framed enlargement, provided the picture was finished to her liking. The company religiously collected instalments till 10s had been paid, then discontinued calling for the small sub. for a period of three months. As money and photograph seemed to have vanished into the wide, wide world, Mrs Helm wrote vigorously to the company's Dunedin address, asking it what it meant by its unprincipled silence. Finally, the nameless representative of the costly company wrote notifying that he would bring round the enlargement for inspection, on June 10, and duly arrived with 
The production was remarkable, principally for its unlikeness to Mrs Helm; in fact, it was a gross libel. White spots were shown in the eyes, giving her the appearance of being wall-eyed, the hat was thrown round to the back of her head in a reckless fashion, and in other respects the enlargement was an outrage upon the appearance of a self-respecting woman. The lady promptly intimated that she didn't like the picture, whereupon the currish canvasser got quite nasty, and had the beastly impudence to remark that she wasn't going to take the picture, as he knew when he came inside the door. As a matter of fact, Mrs Helm was very anxious to obtain an enlargement of a cherished photo, but she refused to accept the hideous botch that the company had made of it. Whereupon the baffled brute picked up the horrible thing, and, remarking that the lady would hear from the company's solicitors, went raging into the street. Next day Mrs Helm received the following precious epistle:- 
Anglo-American Art Co., Auckland, June 9, 1908. 
Mrs Helm
Dear Madam, Re your photo, if this matter is not settled within seven days from above date we will be reluctantly compelled to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors. We remain, Dear Madam, 
Yours faithfully, Manager Anglo-American Art Co. 
This remarkable production seems to have been dated a day prior to the canvasser's call on Mrs Helm. The communication is written on letter paper giving the company's Melbourne and Auckland addresses, and the Dunedin office is also stamped upon it, but for the purpose of conveying a terrorsome impression, the letter is dated as from Auckland, and the victim is threatened by the "Manager," although it will be noted there is no signature to the precious epistle; in fact, there is nothing in it to identify anybody with the company or the unfortunate victim. Mrs Helm has announced her intention to pay nothing to the unconscionable company until the photo is done to her liking, and "Truth" pauses to applaud the sturdy lady. Moreover, this paper advises her to write to the cowardly company's representative demanding the original photograph, and the moneys already paid on account under pain of proceedings by civil process. The crawling cringers deserve a drop of their own nauseous medicine. 
Now "Truth" takes the credit to itself that it has done a public service in exposing these exploiting frauds, the photo-enlarging and picture-frame fakers, and it is not going to abate one jot the hard and caustic remarks it has made on these swindlers in the past few months. It is very evident, judging from the strictures passed by this paper's Christchurch representatiye, that that swindling and cowardly concern, the Anglo-American Art Company, is bent on pursuing its crooked games right throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion, but this concern, "Truth's" exposure of which recently landed it in, the Wellington Police Court, where Magistrate Riddell fined the manager; one Robinson, for a breach of recent legislation forbidding bum-bailiffs and other sharks from counterfeiting court orders, ought to take it to heart that wherever any of their sharp canvassers are, so also will "Truth" be found, and where "Truth" doesn't circulate in New Zealand, isn't a place within the meaning of the Act. It does come rather as a heart-breaker to "Truth", after having denounced these blackmailing humbugs, after having shown that the "Anglo-American Art Company," "The Imperial Art Company," "The National Art Company" and other mushroom-like concerns, are nothing else
and close on the criminal line, to receive the following letter:
(To the Editor.) Sir. — Being a reader of your paper, I would like to know if you could give me a little information concerning this Company. The canvasser called at the house and pressed my wife to give him a photo for enlargement, "free of charge," and when he came back the second time he had with him some samples for framing and wanted her to take the pick, but she said she had some samples for framing and wanted the photo back, which he refused, so I have received this threat, which I enclose, and ask you kindly if they can enforce you to pay. 
This letter is signed by a Vogel-street resident, and the threat enclosed is the usual gag, which has before received prominence in these columns. "Truth" will let this Vogel-street resident know what this Imperial Art Company is. It is owned and controlled by a sharp-snouted Melbourne Jew. The idea of the canvassers is to obtain possession of a photograph by hook or by crook, and if the photograph is that of some near and dear and deceased relative or friend, so much the better for the crooked concern in its dealings with its victims. They blackmail a householder into purchasing a frame for a valueless enlargement and the photograph is the weapon they wield. Not until the victim pays the price (the Art Company's own price) for an often rotten frame will the photograph be returned, and it is questionable whether the wretched rooking concerns are not guilty of an offence in retaining the photograph and using it as an instrument of blackmail. As for the thieving and blackmailing concerns themselves resorting to legal proceedings to make their victims pay up, that is the last thing thought of. They dread a Court of Justice as Tommy Taylor shuns shypoo, and if half their threats of legal proceedings were carried into execution "Truth" would be provided with much copy and the exposure the concerns would receive would drive them out of the country. 
The most impudent of all these blackmailing "joints" is that one in Taranaki street, which carries on its dubious photo-enlarging and picture-framing business under the india-rubber stamped name of "The National Art Company." Owing to the pressure on our space for the past week or two, "Truth" has been unable to deal as it desired with the complaint of a Berhampore resident, who has had 
and in the not altogether vain hope that others will profit by the lady's misfortune in having had any truck with the tricksters, it here deals with the matter. This victim writes;— 
"I was in Gisborne in January last when a travelling canvasser for the National Art Company called offering to enlarge photos free of charge — just for an advertisement. If they were approved of I was to order the frame from the company. I gave the order for two enlargements. A couple of days later another of their canvassers appeared and brought a sample of frames, telling me that I must pick a frame and pay a deposit, and until I paid a deposit they would not go on with the photos. However, I picked the frames and paid a 2/6 deposit on each photo. The photos to be delivered in six weeks' time and £2 to be paid on delivery." 
After that the lady remained some time m Jimmy Carroll's stronghold and came to Wellington, having heard no more about the pictures or the frames till four or five weeks ago, when a letter written to Gisborne from the National Art Companys "headquarters" in Wellington, was forwarded to the lady, having been readdressed from Gisborne. It was notified that the pictures were ready, and the crook concern being again communicated with, a canvasser called on the lady and said the photos were on hand for delivery. She, however, was unable to pay on the spot for both, but offered to pay for one. The canvasser took £1 from her, but declined to leave one photograph, one of herself which she wished to present to her son who was to be married about that time. The canvasser declared that he had been instructed to collect £2, otherwise he could not leave the photos. Of course, the lady protested, but the National Art crowd 
and this is their reply:— 
Dear Madame, Sorry we cannot comply with your wish re delivering picture as the order in the first place was (cash on delivery). But when full amount is paid off one and 10s (ten shillings) off the second, we shall be pleased to deliver at your request, — Yours faithfully, National Art Co. 
Continuing her letter, the lady says:— 
"I have every right to have the one photograph as it is paid for in full. I hold two separate tickets for the photos. One photo is fully paid off, and 2s 6d off the other, but I do not know if I am right in saying it, but I am under the impression that I could compel them to give me the one I paid for. It does not seem just to hold the two when one is paid for. Can you tell me if I am right? 
"Truth," in these circumstances, and if the photographs have not been delivered, certainly advises this lady to take immediate proceedings to recover her photos. This National Art Company is a scheming, blackmailing concern, and a little exposure of their methods in the Police Court would help to focus public attention on them. The best advice, however, that "Truth" can possibly give to everybody is to shun 
They have been given plenty of latitude, and if they are not careful they will land themselves into the clutches of the Law. Moreover, "Truth" is sick and tired of exposing the humbugs; sufficient space has been given them, and if people are foolish enough to play with fire, it's their own fault if they are burned.   -NZ Truth, 27/6/1908.

THURSDAY, July 9, (Before Mr H. Y. Widdowson, S.M.) Judgment was given for plaintiffs in the following undefended cases:- J. J. Farrell v. the Anglo-American Art Company, claim £1 10s, wages, in lieu of notice (costs 6s);  -Otago Daily Times, 10/7/1908.

WE beg to notify our customers that the Commercial Agency is collecting all back payments Anglo-American Art Co.   -Evening Post, 3/8/1908.

The Anglo-American Art Company has bobbed up again in Christchurch, where an indignant lady has waited upon "Truth" in loud protest about the inferior resemblance of her dad made on the enlargement principle. It is the same old tale. A woman canvasser came round two years ago and booked an order for a guinea frame in consideration of a free enlargement. After a long period of waiting the enlargement arrived; and it was nothing like Dad. The customer refused to receive it, the company's agent blustered and threatened law proceedings, and the lady came to "Truth" for advice. "Fight it!" was the vigorous and emphatic remark made in answer to a question by the women, and we suspect that the fight won't be very prolonged.  -NZ Truth, 26/9/1908.

The Crayon and Enlarging Business Again.
The National Art Co.'s Concern.
No other paper in  Australia and New Zealand but "Truth" has had the temerity to expose the Tanquerey photograph and enlargement swindle, and it was with amazement that the other day "Truth" itself received from this scoundrelly swindling firm of Paris an offer to enlarge any portrait we desired to send along, and emphasising; as per usual, the gag that the purchase of the frame was optional, and enlarging on the fact that the "artistic crayon portraits were absolutely free. Of course, the fact of "Truth" being invited to do what it has continually warned the public against doing, is only an act of impudent and infernal bluff on the part of the Tanquerey take push, and so far as the swindling crew are concerned this is about the last warning this paper proposes to utter about them. However, and particularly with a view of ascertaining how honest a Wellington branch of an Australian photograph enlarging concern is, this paper wishes to make a few casual observations concerning wliat is called the National Art Co., of 31 Taranaki street, the methods of which seem to be distinctly Tanquereyesque, and, therefore, all the more necessary, why some satisfactory explanation should be given. Now, this National Art Co. reproduces portraits in crayons, and trades off frames from 21s. 
CANVASSERS ARE EMPLOYED and go from door to door seeking orders. The Company is a Melbourne concern, the enlarging of the photos is done there and the crayoning is likewise perpetrated there, the reason that the work is not done in Wellington or any other part of New Zealand being that artists are not available. As stated, all this savors of the Tanquerey system, and the experience of one Wellington woman who entrusted a photograph of herself for enlarging and framing, as told to "Truth," as repeated in these columns, together with the explanation of the Company concerned. The woman in question, a married woman too, was some months ago, she avers, waited upon by an individual, who represented himself as being a canvasser for the National Art Co. Rightly or wrongly, he wanted a photograph for enlargement. He declared that it would be enlarged and framed absolutely free of cost, this benevolence being accounted for by the fact that the Company wanted to boom the biz, and the woman was asked in return to hang the framed enlargement m a conspicuous place so that her friends could see and admire it and would, perforce, rush off, helter skelter and give the Co. a go. Foolishly, the woman listened to the wiles of the canvasser. She parted with a photograph of herself, and, needless to remark, she has not received her free enlargement or her frame, but she can have the same on the payment of something like 35s. Nor has she yet received her photograph back from the National Art Co., though repeated applications have been made for it. Each time she has been informed that it is in Melbourne; that it has been written for, though it looks very much to ''Truth" that if she came down handsome for the frame her photograph would be quickly produced. Now, to get on to 
THE PROPER LAY OF THINGS, a couple of "Truth" representatives paid this National Art joint a visit on Tuesday last, but though unable to see the manager, who is somewhere in Wanganui, and won't be back for a month, there was a very obliging young lady on the premises, who meekly described herself as the office-girl. The allegations of the Wellington woman aforesaid were repeated and the young and amiable person who is office-girl picked her out at once as being a lady whose persistence in demanding her photograph back had constituted herself a nuisance, and in no unmistakeable manner the young office-girl indicated that she had absolutely no time for the Wellington woman aforesaid, who had invoked the aid of Sergeant Rutledge in the first instance and "Truth" subsequently, in the endeavor to get her photo back. In no unmeasured terms did the office-girl express her unstinted contempt of a female person who would part with a photograph without a receipt from a canvasser, and further did the young and amiable person want to know if the National Art Co. were such goats as to give away crayon enlargements and frames for nothing, and, further, the said young office-girl expressed her belief that the other female person had received a receipt and had deliberately destroyed it, and that she had very little to do to go to the "Truth," where there would be a lot about the National Art Co. which would not be true. Anyhow this much was explained, the enlargements 
ARE DONE FREE, a la Tanquerey, and before photographs are returned a frame must be purchased, which system is so similar to the Tanquerey system that they could easily pass as twins. "Truth's" advice is to touch neither. The charge for an enlargement, notwithstanding that the said enlargements are free, is anything from a guinea, whereas their real worth is anything below five shillings. As for ths frames, a picture framer in Wellington would like to receive what the National Art Company ask for. They'd be able to retire as independent gents in a few years. The National Art Co. might be genuine, and again it might not, but "Truth" would advise those waited upon by canvassers not to run any risk, and to kick the canvasser off the door-mat.   -NZ Truth, 14/3/1908.

On more than one occasion the "Spectator" has deemed it a public duty to expose the machinations of companies, syndicates and individuals who, while keeping within the letter of the law, lure the unsuspecting public into the expenditure of money, for which they receive no commensurate return. On this occasion we propose dealing with a new phase of what without prejudice to legitimate trade, we will call the fraudulent Photo Enlargement Scheme.
There is at present in this town, in Cashel Street, which uses as a sign the cryptic words "The Universal Press Advertising Agency." To those in the know it stands for one thing, that which deals with the photo enlargement trick.
Some little while ago, an advertisement appeared in a local paper, calling for applications for the position of canvasser, "Apply Universal Press Agency." Numerous applicants, desirous of any kind of labor, made their appearance, and were duly employed at the munificent salary of 25s per week. For that Rajah-like salary they had to be present at the office at 8.45 a.m. and after working during the day, were dismissed at about 5.30 p.m. On Saturday they worked but half a day. The usual palaver about "possibilities" and "higher positions" were lavishly doled out by the employer. Subsequently 'the unfortunate men found that wet days were not paid for, 5s being deducted for each. Certain favored individuals were grudgingly granted a five shilling rise per week upon the good results of their labors.
But it is not so much of the men that we would speak as of the poor victims of tlieir zeal. We say poor, because the rich were not so badly off as will be seen by subsequent statements. When these men had accepted the positions offered them, they were told it was as canvassers for photo enlargements that their services were needed, and they were duly instructed with a certain "patter," which ran much as follows at each house at which they called:
"Good day, madam;" (it was almost invariably a "madam" as the husband was usually at work when they called), "I'm representing the National Art Company of Wellington. We are just about to establish our enlargement studio here in Christchurch, and with that object in view, we propose sending out a limited number of enlargements free of cost. These enlargements are 16 x 20, and they are crayon work, in black and white, being superior to the ordinary photography, as there are no chemicils in the crayons, consequently they do not fade like the ordinary photo. Now you might think this an extraordinary offer, madam but we find it is a better way of advertising than going to the newspapers. As you know, people read over newspaper advertisements, and they think no more of the firm, whereas, if we get our enlargements into the various homes, they will be there as a standing advertisement for our firm. All we ask is that you recommend our work to your friends and relatives, and if there are any orders forthcoming, we hope to get a percentage of those when we open our studio here. We are only making one call on a few houses, madam, and those who avail themselves of this offer have the privilege of receiving the first enlargement free of cost.
In the majority of cases the lady of the house concurs with the canvasser's remark that this is a better way of advertising, and she hunts up her collection for a suitable photograph (generally of a deceased relative) and shows it to the man at the door, who is not slow in showering compliments upon the photo as to how it would make up as an enlargement. Finally he succeeds in obtaining possession, and loses no time in pocketing it. Then comes the next stage in this marvellous sleight of tongue. He introduces a printed receipt with the remark that: "I will give you a receipt now, madam, for your photo, signed by myself as representing agent for the firm."
This receipt in some cases, but not all contains a printed wording to the effect that no enlargement will be delivered without a frame, which will be supplied from a guinea upwards. The last line "from a guinea upwards" was found to militate against getting orders, and the newly printed receipts did not bear any statement about the price of the frame. 
All this introduction, so as to speak, most crucial point of the address having passed off successfully, the game is begun, and we would call our readers' attention to the insidiousness of the whole pre-amble.
"Of course," says the canvasser, "we wish these enlargements to act as an advertisement as before mentioned, and so we supply them framed. Naturally you can hardly expect us to give them for nothing, so our representative will call upon you in a few days with specimens of mouldings at reasonable prices."
Here then we see the modus operandi. A calm perusal of the "patter" (which, if not word for word correct, is vouched for as fairly accurate) will show any intelligent person that there is something behind it all. Let us deal with the facts seriatim—
(1) Why does the firm shelter itself behind a name, of such grandiloquent terms as the "Universal Press Advertising Agency," whereas the canvassers are instructed to say they are representing "The National Art Company?
(2) "We propose sending out a limited number of enlargements free of cost." The canvassers are sent into a certain "area" each day under a "ganger" or "inspector" (sic) who at other periods takes a hand at frame selling. This area is thoroughly canvassed, no house being missed by the hard-working canvasser as the returns for his allotted street are subject to criticism and likely a wigging from the head man in the office. Hence the "limited number" argument is absolutely a lie. 
(3) The silly twaddle about the crayons is simply an absurdity calculated to bamboozle the ignorant.
(4) The comparison with newspaper advertising is another dodge to throw sand in the eyes of the public.
(5) Regarding the opening of a studio, it is possible that under certain circumstances a studio might be quickly opened, but it is a fact that at Hokitika (where framed enlargements are now being delivered by a man who is looked to as the head of this Christchurch branch) Blenheim, Nelson and perhaps many other places the same business has been done and no studio has yet been opened.
(6) The lie method in (2) is repeated later on to emphasize the fact that only a "limited number" can avail themselves of the offer.
(7) Three local ex-canvassers testify that hints are dropped out to get the photos of "deceased relatives, if possible," and unless an enlargement with frame is taken the owner of the original photo finds it very difficult to get it returned. Thus the people are almost forced if they value the original to take the enlargement and frame in order to get back the picture that is their own.
Now these canvassers found that to keep their position they were obliged to bring in a goodly number of photos. The foreman or ganger in charge of those who were "working" a district see to it that no houses are missed. There was always a possibility, often realised, of a young canvasser receiving as high as 30s a week. As a consequence the men did their utmost to get photos and took them from all sorts of people who could never have afforded the price of the frame but were lured on by the ''free gift" idea. Old Age Pensioners and people who could hardly find enough money to keep themselves were thus victimised and in some cases had parted with their most cherished possession, an old photograph.
The next man who appears at the house from where a photo has been extracted is the "frame-seller" with specimens of frames which no expert who has viewed them has said are of no commensurate value with the price charged. This is not to be wondered at considering that the wages of a canvasser, a frame seller, and a deliverer of the finished article besides the enlarger and the framer, and the syndicate's profit all have to come out of that frame. The frame-seller shows the mouldings and when one is selected he asks for a deposit. He will take anything and on many occasions has taken as low as 1s on the word of several people. The depositor signs a paper and from then on has bound his or herself (mostly herself) to pay the rest, and a Court of Law is bound to uphold the canvasser. 
But woe betide the unfortunates who are dismayed at the prices of the frames and see too late where "free gift" comes in, because they then have to try and get their photo back and bitterly regret the day they parted with the original. Every one of the canvassers, if the experiences of several go for anything, are instructed on no account to give the Christchurch address of the firm, and anxious women are seen wandering about the streets looking for the "National Art Company." Occasionally a savage man or angry woman .finds the office through the canvasser, who. having left the employ of the firm, has no qualms upon the subject. Then there is a disturbance. This firm have, also descended on Lyttelton, and are now finishing their raid on Christchurch.
There are people who, knowing nothing of the price of frames and having a fairly presentable enlargment, and not being embarrassed by the expenditure of a pound or two, will not grumble, and others do not like the world to know how they were taken in. It is the unfortunate poor people and mostly women, who love their last records of a dead son or husband that we would help. To imagine that any firm can give away enlargements from house to house in this fashion for nothing should make everybody pause. But the world is very full of people, mostly fools as Carlyle said.  -Grey River Argus, 21/5/1909.

The record of the "Anglo-American Art Co." in "Papers Past" tails off in 1909 with a series of small court claims against people who have ordered photos - usually won by the company.

The "National Art Company's" record ends with a judgement against them worth L10 5s 3d, in the same year.

The "Imperial Art Company" was able to prove its claim in 1909 against Hettie Barge to the value of 17s 6d.  It was won by default, the defendant not having shown.

To "Truth" goes the last word, although the swindlers and scammers have not left us of course - they merely sit at home with the entire world available to them through the internet.

It is an interesting snapshot of the range of door-to-door scammers in 1925.

Some Of The Dollar-Dragging Methods
There are many ways in which suburban housewives are deluded into parting with their money to glib-tongued swindlers and bogus canvassers. It is regrettable that so many women are so ready to lend an ear to oily tricksters who dangle a "bargain" at them, usually of the something for nothing order. "Truth" would point out that "bargain" and "bogus" are often synonymous terms, but the realisation that she has been duped generally comes to the housewife too late.
There are thousands of ways of telling the tale all well-known to Messrs. Cheat'em and Bluff'em. One being worked at present is the "ring trick." Provided with a "brummy" ring or a piece of gilt jewellery, the trickster knocks at the door, and explains that he just picked this "gold" ring (or brooch or whatever it is) up at the front, and says someone at the house may have dropped it. If the victim "bites" the swindler puts in for his reward. If told "No, it's not mine," he offers to hand it over for a few shillings, and "you'll be sure and get a big reward when it is advertised." The cupidity of many people is such that they eagerly clutch at the offer only to find that the other fellow had all the best of the "bargain."
Spring time, when the roses bloom, brings with it a number of hawkers who do well dispensing fake flowers and plants. Often the type of faker will have one good plant in beautiful bloom. "It's an order you know, so I can't let you have this one," is the plea, but the devious dodger has smaller roots "that will come on just as well." Using the one good sample, which he has no doubt purchased at a good price, as a "stalking horse," as it were, the hawker has little difficulty in selling worthless rubbish at fabulous prices. Although gardens are so plentiful throughout New Zealand, the number of people who know nothing about plants, and yet think they know a lot, is astounding. They are "kidded" into buying "the last of this rare variety." The trouble is that this class of take-down is somewhat above the common or garden order of swindle. This shark is above the law because he actually sells something in the ordinary way of business.
Despite repeated exposures various types of photo take-downs are still being worked with unabated success. We are aware that there are a number of firms engaged in the photo enlargement business on genuine lines. To these our remarks do not apply. The very ancient stunt "beautiful free enlargement just to advertise the firm" snares victims year after year. The canvasser tells a neat tale about the firm being anxious to extend business in "this progressive district." The leading resident in each street (or block) is to receive a "beautiful picture free of cost:" All that she is asked to do is to recommend it to her "many friends." On the face of it, the proposition looks good. The lady of the house is flattered at the reference to her "influence," and falls to the bait. Later, she learns that she has to pay an exorbitant price for the frame. The canvasser, who knows his work, as most of them do, has signed up the victim to an agreement to buy the frame on condition that the photo is given away. If she decline, he threatens to sue for it, and generally manages to sell his dud goods at a profit of about £1/5/- on each transaction. It is difficult to gaol this sort of rogue, for he has actually sold you something, and "false representations" are almost impossible to establish if there is a written agreement. One pair of sharks working the district where the writer lives caught about fifty "customers" with this stunt last year. 
On this very subject a reader sends "Truth" a circular which comes from the International Art Company, Clarence Street, Sydney, and for ingenious scheming it would be hard to beat. The Art Company, for a consideration, of course, proposes to instruct people how to graduate as shoddy salesmen. And in a chapter headed "Sales Talk" this is how the hook is baited for the mug. The "Salesman" is introducing himself, with our old friends the brummy photos: 
Introduction — Pardon me, how do you spell your name? (P-A-T-T-E-N). I wasn't sure, my name is ...., I came out from ...., to see our old friends and customers.  
Commission — I am advertising the Auretone, Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Farnum say it's the finest they have ever seen, Mrs. Patten. I want your opinion (opens the case). Isn't that fine? (Yes). (Enthusiastically). Just what they all say. Exactly. 
Explain Sample — This painting is the Auretone. Its name is from the sunrays. See that, Mrs. Patten, it's raised in the centre, makes the face oval, natural, rounds out, the bust.... You wouldn't say there was too much color, would you, Mrs. Patten? 
Price — This hand painted Auretone is made from an ordinary photograph and of course is very expensive. The price is £8 without frame, without glass. But: — I am not here to sell. I am here to advertise. 
How We Advertise — Of course, Mrs. Patten, all large Companies advertise in one way or the other. Our Company doesn't believe in paying a lot of money to newspapers and magazines. Instead we come right among the people and give them the benefit of the advertising money.
Contest — (Hold envelopes in your hand, as you say): To make it fair for all, Mrs. Patten, we are conducting an old fashioned contest to determine the fortunate ones in your section. See these blue checks (expose two and a number of blanks). Only a few of them. Were you ever lucky? Take one (Customer selects envelope). Now we'll just lay it there until I explain. Each home is entitled to two envelopes, but if both are blanks, please don't blame me, I sometimes call on twenty homes and all select blanks.
Customer Has Check — A blank. Too bad, you are not very fortunate are you? Well it didn't cost you anything, try again. Well what do you think, you got one, and it is a big one. Bring me three or four of your best photographs. I'll, sit right here while you get them (sit). Accepting photographs. — This is a picture of your Father, and this of your Mother? They are all right. We can accept them in fine shape. Now Mrs. Patten you get a painting of your Father in this £8 work, and this cheque pays half, and we are going to make a painting of your Mother absolutely free. You get the two genuine Auretone paintings for £4. No money to be paid till they are delivered two months later. 
Explains Frames — Now, Mrs. Patten, these paintings will be delivered in suitable frames. If the style and the price of the frame suit you, you can buy the frames. Otherwise, just pay £4 and the cheque, which I have made payable to you for the paintings.
Verification by Salesman — Now let's see if all is clear, Mrs. Patten. What are the paintings to cost you in cash? What did I tell you about the frames? Right. 
Final — I thank you to-day, Mrs. Patten, you will thank me for many years to come. Do you suppose there would be any fortunate people up the road? Who lives in the next house? Good-bye.
In another the salesman is told how to deliver the goods. Arrived with a swag the circular advises him to put this "talk" across: 
"Good morning, Mrs. Beale! Johnson is my name. I have your paintings. Here are your photographs. I am bringing the painting right in. (Show scene). What do you think of this, Mrs. Beale? Just exactly what they all say. We are advertising this, and unfortunately it is not for sale." 
(You then place it on the floor, scene to the wall, and place your paintings on chair. You then start right on by saying): 
"We bring them in frames, Mrs. Beale, for two reasons. One reason is the work is very delicate and all done by hand and naturally we have to protect it; if you were to take one of these out of the frames and put your hand over it, you would really have £8 worth of work m the palm of your hand. Another reason is that most of the people want the frames, but of course that is entirely up to yourself. 
"Now would you be interested in frames, Mrs. Beale?" 
(You wait until she asks you what price they are, and you reply by say "The price of the pictures is £8 less £4, and the price of the frames is £8, making a total of £12. To those taking the paintings with frames complete, our company have instructed us to give these entirely free as a present, for the recommendations we ask you to make."
(You then take the scenes from the wall and place them alongside your two portraits)
"We have been in business 28 years, and we have discovered that two paintings of scenes with two portrait paintings always draws, the attention." 
(Now if the customer complains about the high price, you go on by testing the glass with your pliers, explaining that we give nothing but the real Belgian portrait glass.) 
(You then wait, and again ask her): 
"How would you like to pay, in cash or cheque?" 
(If she pays you the full amount, your sale is through. If she comes back at you, "They are still too high," you go on by saying): 
"Of course, that is entirely up to yourself, Mrs. Beale, but let me show you. You know Mrs. Jones? Here is her cheque for £12. You know Mrs. Smith? Here is her cheque for £12." 
(You go on showing the cheques you have for the full amount. A very good system is to keep the cheques for £12 together. Always be sure you get £4 for the portraits first. When you get your £4 take the portrait out and show her the frame; explain how beautiful it is, tell her that you think it is a shame that she takes £4 and puts it on the palm of her hand and just blows it out of the window. That is practically what she is doing. Ninety per cent. of the time a sale is made through this method.) 
(If you still find you have not put the sale over after you have taken both pictures out, you can go back at her by saying): 
"Now, Mrs. Beale, if I do something for you, would you give me your word of honor that you would not tell a soul m the neighborhood, whether you accept my proposition or not? We are not allowed to sell these scenes, but several people have offered me as much as 3/- for one; I feel sure I can get £2 for this one, because a lady down the road particularly admired this one and wanted to buy it. Now if I were to buy this painting from you for £2 you would give me permission to sell it, wouldn't you? And I am sure you wouldn't mind paying £1 (£10?) for the outfit, without this one scene, would you?" 
There are numerous other swindles being worked, and new variations of time-dishonored dodges are being evolved every day. "When hubby's away, the wife will pay" might well be the motto of the door-to-door dodger, whose ingenuity in the pursuit of his nefarious calling is worthy of better things. Judging by the number of members of the ring-the-bell-at-the the-door brigade; the work must be profitable in the extreme. Here are a few rules which housewives might well observe: — 
1. Don't buy things at the door from strangers. 
2. Never pay cash to anyone until the actual goods have been delivered and examined. 
3. Never sign any paper promising to pay for anything bought at door. You may only be placing yourself in the power of a swindler. 
4. Remember that there are better bargains advertised at shops, than are ever brought to your doorstep.  -NZ Truth, 10/1/1925.