Monday, 2 December 2019

Norma Anne Kearns, 1939-22/12/1950.

I've walked through and around Oamaru, not far to the north of my home town, many times.  While hitch-hiking I've walked through their Botanical Gardens frequently, as an attractive alternative to the highway, while making my way to the south end of town to begin the next part of my journey.

In front of the Gardens' gates is mounted this plaque, to the memory of Norma Anne Kearns.



An hour after her arrival yesterday afternoon on a holiday visit an Invercargill girl was struck by a southbound relief express and fatally injured.  The girl was Norma Anne Kearns, aged 11, a daughter of Mr and Mrs E J Kearns, 120 Elizabeth St, Invercargill. She received major injuries to her head and chest and died shortly after the accident.  

Norma Kearns had arrived at 4 o'clock with her parents to stay with Mrs E S Miller of 15 Hull St, and took the family dog for a run. Approaching Severn St railway crossing as an express train was signalled, the dog apparently stood on the line. Unaware of the train, Norma ran to get the dog clear, which she did, but herself was struck by the engine. She was hurled to the side of the track. Although a doctor was immediately available, Norma's injuries were fatal, and she died within a few minutes. 

Her identity was not known until 8.30 although the tragedy occurred shortly after 5 o'clock. Mr and Mrs Kearns, anxious when their daughter did not return for her tea, did no know of the accident until informed by neighbours who were aware that Norma was missing.

An inquest was opened this morning and adjourned sine die after identification had been given by Edward James Kearns, father of the deceased girl.  -Oamaru Mail, 23/12/1950.



(P.A.) DUNEDIN This Day. Norma Anne Kearns, aged 11, who lived with her parents, Mr and Mrs E J. Kearns, 120 Elizabeth Street, Invercargill, was fatally injured when struck by the south-bound express near the railway crossing in Severn Street, Oamaru, at 5.10 p.m. yesterday. 

When a dog ran in front of the express the child ran on to the line to rescue it, and was struck by the train. 

The girl and her parents arrived in Oamaru yesterday on holiday.   -Ashburton Guardian, 23/12/1950.

The inquest into the death of Norma Anne Kearns, who was struck by the relief express on the Severn street crossing about 5.5 p.m. on Friday, was opened before Mr H. Colquhoun. J.P., on Saturday morning. Evidence of identification was given by Edward James Kearns, father of the deceased, and the inquest was adjourned sine die.  -Otago Daily Times, 26/12/1950.

Oamaru Cemetery.

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