Sunday, 26 January 2025

James McConnell, (1833-9/7/1910). "the corner of a truck"


DUNEDIN, 8th July. James McConnell, a shoe-maker, aged seventy-three, was knocked down at Lower Rattray-street crossing by a truck during shunting work this afternoon. The wheels passed over one of his feet and he was injured internally. He died two hours later in the hospital.  -Evening Post, 9/7/1910.


THE Friends of the late James M'Connell (and family) are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave his late residence, 52 Cargill road, Dunedin South. TO-MORROW (Sunday), 10th inst., at 2.30 p m., for the Northern Cemetery. 

CHAS. J. THORN, Undertaker, David and Marion streets.  -Evening Star, 9/7/1910.


The coroner's inquiry into the death, of James McConnell was resumed by Mr Bartholomew this afternoon, Mr R Howwell being foreman of the jury. Mr Irwin appeared for the relatives, and Mr David Wallace represented the Railway Department.

Dr Roberts deposed as to the results of his post-mortem examination. He found a fracture of three ribs on the right side. The pointed end of one fragment projected into the chest cavity, wounding the lung and causing an escape of air into the chest cavity, the lung collapsing in consequence. The right chest was also half full of blood. Witness considered the cause of death was shock. It was possible that the pressure within the thorax embarrassed the heart action, and added to the dangers of the shock. Something had impinged against the chest wall, and driven the fractured ends in.

At Mr Irwin's suggestion, His Worship adjourned for a few minutes, so as to let the jury see the locality of the accident. 

On resuming Wm. McEwen, said that between. 5 and 5.10 p.m. on the 8th he was going along Burns street, and when at the Rattray street corner saw some trucks on the line, the front one a little over on the footpath. They seemed to be standing. If moving they were, going very slowly. The signalman, in the middle of the street, signaled to the driver of a vehicle to keep back. Witness noticed a man going across the line. The corner of a truck caught him. The trucks seemed to be moving then, but very slowly. Deceased was knocked down. The signalman did not see deceased knocked down. 

The inquest was proceeding at 3.15 p.m.  -Evening Star, 11/7/1910.

The Dunedin District Ledge of Good Templars met on Wednesday evening in the alliance lodge room, when the D.C.T., Bro. J. Hilton, occupied the chair. A number of officers were absent through illness, and from them apologies were received. The district degree was conferred on one member. Reports were received from the visiting deputies, which showed that the lodges were in a fairly flourishing condition for the time of the year. The lodge decided, by a standing vote, to forward a letter of sympathy to the relatives of the late Bro. James McConnell, who recently lost his life through an accident. Several members spoke of the late brother’s services in connection with the Order in Dunedin, especially in connection with the seamen visiting Dunedin, Bro. McConnell being District Marine Deputy for a considerable time.   -Evening Star, 11/7/1910.


The family and relatives of the late James McConnell desire to thank all kind friends for expressions of sympathy in their late sad bereavement.  -Evening Star, 23/7/1910.

Northern Cemetery, Dunedin.

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