The death is announced of Captain Logan, who for some time acted as ship's husband for the Albion Company in Dunedin. He had been out of health for some time, and went Home for a change. He recently came out again apparently no better, and died last night of aneurism of the heart. The ships in Wellington harbour to-day had their flags half-mast high as a mark of respect to the deceased. It may be mentioned, in order to remove any possible misapprehension, that the deceased is not to be confounded with Captain Logan, of the s.s. Manapouri. -Evening Post, 28/11/1883.
The late Captain Logan was for several years in command of the immigrant ships Robert Henderson, William Davie, and James Nicol Fleming, in all of which he made several smart passages, vacating the command of the last-mentioned in favor of his favorite pupil, now Captain Moffatt. For some time he sat on the Otago Harbor Board as one of the Government representatives. Three months ago Captain Logan retired from the active duties of his post owing to ill health. Aneurism of the heart was the cause of death. Captain Logan, who was unmarried, leaves three sisters, one of whom lived with him at Port Chalmers The shipping at Port Chalmers and in the Upper Harbor displayed their flags at half-mast to-day out of respect to his memory. -Evening Star, 28/11/1883.
Many early settlers in this district will learn with regret that Captain Logan, formerly master of the Robert Henderson, William Davie, and James Nicol Fleming, and as such well known to a large number of the immigrants of from 23 to 15 years ago, died at Dunedin on Monday evening. His "records" in these ships have never been surpassed as a whole, and serve to show that the acme of perfection in sailing ships was reached some years ago, and before the advent of the huge "iron boilers" of the present period. Captain Logan has for several years attended to the maritime interests of the Albion Shipping Company, formerly his old employer. -Southland Times, 29/11/1883.
It is with extreme regret that we chronicle the death of Captain Peter Logan, which took place at Port Chalmers at 6.20 p.m. on Tuesday. The deceased gentleman was for many years a master mariner in the employ of Patrick Henderson and Co., since known as the Albion Shipping Company, and as such made a large number of voyages to Dunedin. The first ship of this line which he commanded was the Robert Henderson. He afterwards sailed the William Davy, and more recently the James Nichol Fleming. These vessels were almost continually employed in bringing immigrants to Otago under a scheme of the old Provincial Government, and he probably brought out a far larger number than any other captain trading to New Zealand waters. About eight years ago he gave up the seafaring life, and was then appointed Marine Surveyor for the Albion Company at Port Chalmers. Apparently enjoying excellent health, he took no heed of any premonitory signs, and it was only when it was almost too late that it was discovered he was suffering from aneurism of the heart. He was recommended to abstain from all work, and to take a trip Home. He followed this advice, and returned in somewhat better health; but the old malady soon again attacked him, and he had to relinquish his duties. To one who had led such an active life, inactivity proved as irksome and irritating as business itself, and it soon became apparent that there was very little hope of relief. His death took place suddenly at the time above mentioned. Captain Logan was a man who, by his kindly and genial manner, combined with thorough business habits, earned the good will and respect of all who became acquainted with him, and the numerous officers whom he trained in the service of the company, several of whom are at present in Wellington, speak of his demise with feelings of the deepest sorrow. Those whose duties did not prevent them from doing so left by the Hauroto Wednesday, in order to attend the funeral, which takes place at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Amongst these was Captain Moffatt, of the ship Westland. All the vessels in the harbor had their flags at half-mast on Wednesday. Captain Logan was 58 years of age, and unmarried. -NZ Mail, 30/11/1883.
The remains of the late Captain Logan were interred in the new cemetery at Port Chalmers on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of fully 200 persons. The bells of the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches were tolled as the funeral cortege proceeded through the town, and the business places were closed in respect to the memory of the deceased gentleman. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. Ryley. -Otago Daily Times, 3/12/1883.
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