Saturday 29 June 2024

13430 Corporal Sydney Grey Davis, (29/8/1895-27/7/1917). "capture the gun"

Corporal Sydney Grey Davis, who was killed in action at La Basse ville on July 27th, 1917, led an attack on a German gun position, and captured the gun intact. He was subsequently shot through the head, and died instantaneously. He was educated at the High School, Waihi, and prior to enlisting in the 13th Reinforcements was on the staff of the Bank of New Zealand at Nelson.  -Press, 1/11/1917.

The action at La Basse ville was, initially, a successful storming of a well-defended village.  The Germans made a strong counter-attack with artillery support and the kiwis had no response to their calls for artillery made by firing flares.  Weight of numbers forced them back, except for two dug-in posts which fought to the end, only two of those defenders surviving.


Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.

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