Friday 28 June 2024

Robert Esme Thomason, (1901-21/10/1925). "making a cigarette"




A tragic occurrence took place during the luncheon hour to-dav, when Mr Robert E. Thomason, of Emano street was killed through a loaded miniature rifle going off. It is understood deceased was sitting down with the rifle between his knees, and was making a cigarette, when the rifle went off, the bullet entering under his chin and inflicting fatal injuries. Deceased, who was employed as a lorry driver by Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Company, was a member of the “K” Miniature Rifle Club, and his tragically sudden death caused a painful sensation. He was about 24 years of age, and a son of Mr Henry Thomason, of St. Vincent street. The late Mr Thomason was a married man, with one child, and to his widow and relatives very general sympathy will be extended in their grevious loss. An inquest will be held.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 2/10/1925.



An inquest into the circumstances of :h u death of Robert Esme Thomason, who was fatally shot at his residence in Emano-strect yesterday, as the result of the accidental discharge of a miniature rifle, was held before the Coroner, Mr J. E Scantlebury this forenoon. 

Constable Lumber conducted the enquiry. 

Dr S. A. Lucas deposed as to being called to deceased's residence about 2.55 p.m. yesterday. Deceased was dead when he. arrived, and death had evidently occurred a few minutes previously. There was the mark of a bulled wound on the front of the upper part of the neck. No wound of exit was found. From the position of the wound he would say that the injury was caused accidentally and was consistent with the story told him that, deceased had been sitting in a chair with the rifle between his knees and the muzzle pointing upwards. Death must have occurred almost within a minute of the occurrence owing to haemmorrhage, due to the severance of a big blood vessel. 

Herbert Henry Thomason, brother of the deceased, gave formal evidence as to the identification of the body. 

Alice Thomason, widow of deceased, stated that he was a member of the K. miniature rifle club, and on the previous evening had attended the weekly shoot. On returning he explained the working of the rifle to witness, and also placed a bullet, which bad been in the house for some weeks, into the rifle, showing how it was loaded and unloaded. Witness then went to the kitchen to get supper and left deceased with the rifle in the dining room. On coming to supper he brought the rifle with him and placed it in a corner in the kitchen. Yesterday after dinner deceased picked up the rifle from the corner and said he was going to take it to Mr M. Elliott's house in order to clean it. He then sat down with the ride between his knees with the intention of making a cigarette. Witness then went into another room to attend to the baby and a few minutes later she hoard the report of a shot fired. On rushing into the kitchen she found her husband just falling on to the chair. The rifle was underneath. Witness spoke to him but received no answer. Witness then detailed the steps she took to get assistance. The rifle was the property of Mr M. Elliott, and was lent to her husband on Tuesday last. She did not know that the rifle was loaded or unloaded when her husband brought it out of the dining room to the kitchen on the previous evening. He had been a member of the rifle club for three months and understood the working of the rifle. 

Lionel L. Elliott, a neighbour of deceased's, gave evidence as to going to the house in response to Mrs Thomason's appeal for assistance. Deceased was lying on his back and there was a box of matches in his right hand. 

Constable Lumber gave formal evidence. 

The Coroner said the case was a very sad one, and he sympathised very much with the widow and relatives. All the evidence went to show that the occurrence was purely accidental. He returned a verdict that deceased met his death by the accidental discharge of a rifle which he was holding at the time.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 23/10/1925.

Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.

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