To the Editor of the Daily Times.
Mr. Editor, — Sir, in your issue, dated May 6, the letter of his Honor the Superintendent to the Council expresses so liberal a feeling, and sense of justice, as to induce me, through the agency of your widely circulated journal, to endeavour to detail a little of the private history of our gold fields, which I hope will be read with some interest by my fellow colonists and our digging population, who, in such matters, are great lovers of justice.
Two, if not three years ago, a person commonly known as Black Peter, was digging for gold, along with some others, above the present Woolshed Diggings, at Mr.W. Miller's station, Roxburgh. Those men could always make a good day's wages. When their funds were low or as the whim seized them, they used from time to time to resort to those diggings.
Black Peter, along with two or three mates, agreed to take a bullock dray and go to prospect some diggings Black Peter knew of over the Waitahuna. The expedition got as far as this river, when some dispute arose, and all turned back except Black Peter and one mate. They crossed the Waitahuna, and through some fault on their part, wasted their time, and provision failing, had to return, without the opportunity of fully prospecting the ground.
Such another expedition it was not easy for a man like Black Peter to fit out, and no one would believe his report of existence of gold fields. In February, 1861, I opened the Bridge-end accommodation house, Tokomairiro, and amongst other frequenters of my house was one who had been mates on the Woolshed with Black Peter. I heard him talking about this gold, and learning from this person, whom I shall call Jack, that there were a cradle and two puddling tubs belonging to him at Miller's station, as also a hut built by him for the purpose of shelter while on the ground digging, I obtained leave from Jack to use those necessaries, and he being himself employed in the bush at that time, I fitted out a person named John Fisher, and dispatched him to take up his quarters at. Roxburgh for a fortnight or so, with orders to prospect and ascertain if there really was a payable gold field. Fisher returned for more tools in a day or so, bringing with him some pennyweights of gold. Jack seeing this resolved along with his mate on leaving the bush, and trying the gold. In about a week after Fisher had been there these men went up to the Woolshed, and before long came down and obtained a long-tom to work with. There were now four men working here and making good wages. They found the first nugget, which was handed to one of our M.P.C's, by Mr. Miller. Mr. Reed called at my house about a fortnight after the man sent first by me had been working, and from there went up to the Woolshed to see them. Mr. Reed returned in from nine to ten days irom that time, telling me that he also had discovered gold; and most liberally did Mr. Reed then make public the existence of a gold field. Mr. Reed has well deserved any remuneration Government has awarded to him: a long, weary week he must have had; his swag when he left my house was more suited to the back of a bullock than of a man.
The only question is, does no one but Mr. Reed deserve a little notice in the history of our gold fields —did Mr. Reed discover the gold fields, or merely cleverly follow a clue already given? The story of Black Peter having found gold both at the Woolshed and somewhere about the Tuapeka was well known in Tokomairiro. Did Mr. Reed merely develop this, or did he without any information within ten days in a wild country discover that which has caused so great a revolution in our Province. J. E. L. -Otago Daily Times, 10/5/1862.
Local Intelligence
A well known character, whose name is associated with the earliest gold days of Otago, has been knocking about the township of Tapanui for the past week. We allude to "Black Peter." He says, and there is no doubt that the statement is correct, that he worked in Gabriels Gully long before Gabriel Reid discovered that gully. "Black Peter" was in this colony long before the diggings broke out, engaged as a station hand, and he used to make periodical visits to Gabriels Gully to make a "rise." Peter has had the usual ups and downs peculiar to his class — one day a comparatively wealthy man, the next hard up. The chance of making an independent fortune in a short time, Peter, like many others, let slip, and after all is still a station hand, "hard up, and broken down." -Tuapeka Times, 7/4/1877.
Chats with the Farmers.
(Written for the Clutha Leader.) (excerpt)
Well, as I wis saying, oor funds were gettin' low, but before we were a'together bare the diggings broke oot, so I started wi' th' bullocks tae drive on th' road, but afore the carriage cam' tae th' highest, th' bullocks were knocked up. Then I joined a neighbour wha kent something o' digging, as he had been "on the other side," and we managed tae tak' up the tent an' what we wanted, an' some flour for sale, an' got an ounce o' gold for a bag o' it. So we turned th' bullocks oot tae spell, an' started on Gabriel's an' worked six weeks, but Black Peter had been diggin' for months afore Gabriel ever saw it. Gabriel wis doon in his luck, an' wis trying tae mak' a rise tae go tae th' Lindis rush, an' it wis some weeks before he hit upon tha gold on an auld sheep track. The wheel o' fortune tak's queer turns. The first man that died on Gabriel's wis the nephew o' an Earl, an' we buried him in his clothes and leather leggins. I've seen the brother o' an Earl shearing in th' shed o' a man wha had risen from bein' a sheepshearer himsel', by his energy and industry. Majors an' Captains driving bullocks wis a common sicht; but I maun tell ye th' rest by-an'-bye. (To be continued.) -Clutha Leader, 15/8/1879.
There is a man living amongst us who may fairly claim to be the Father of Goldmining in New Zealand. His name is Edward Peters, native of Bombay, better known, perhaps, as “Black Peter” by old residents. He was the first man to demonstrate, by actual discovery, the existence of payable gold-workings in Otago; but he was poor, humble, and ignorant, and did not know how to turn his discoveries to profitable account. Wherefore he has been neglected, and the value of his work has been ignored except by the few who are acquainted with the facts; and the honors and the rewards that should have been his have been awarded to others.
Writing in 1858, Mr J. T. Thomson, then Chief Surveyor, says in a foot-note to his Report on the Reconnaisancc Survey of the South-eastern District of Otago: “The best sample of gold yet brought into town was found in the Tokomairiro River (south branch). This sample indicates a workable goldfield” The locality referred to is now known as the Woolshed Creek, and the finder was Black Peter. For this statement I had the personal assurance of the late Mr John Hardy, C.E. In 1860 Mr John L. Gillies, when searching for some vagrant cattle, came upon Black Peter working for gold in a bend of the Tuapeka Stream at what is now called Evans Flat. His only implements were a tin dish and a sheath-knife, hut he had found the gold. Mr Gillies stayed with him nearly all the day, and himself washed out some pennyweights of gold with the same simple appliances. When Mr Gillies returned to Tokomairiro he took this gold with him, and subsequently communicated the circumstance to Mr Gabriel Read. Mr Read thereupon shouldered his swag and went prospecting upon the hint thus given. This was in May, 1861. He followed the track of Black Peter, pursued the stream up to a shepherd’s hut on the run then occupied by Messrs Davy and Bowler, crossed over the range, and discovered the auriferous deposits in Gabriel Gully. The shepherd was Mr Munro, who still resides in the neighborhood. I have no desire to detract from the credit due to Mr Read, but there can be no question that Black Peter was the original discoverer both of the Woolshed and the Tuapeka goldfields. From this start all the gold-digging and mining that has taken place in New Zealand, and all the consequent access of trade and population, most undoubtedly originated. Black Peter is now old, infirm, and crippled — a confirmed invalid in fact— and unable to earn sufficient to supply himself with scanty sustenance. His pitiful case was brought under the notice of Mr J. C. Brown and myself by a lady resident at Balclutha, where poor Edward Peters is living, or rather starving. A memorial in his behalf, setting forth his work in the past, and his wants in the present day, was presented to Parliament and duly considered by the Goldfields Committee, with the result that a sum of L50 was placed on the Appropriation Act for his benefit, “conditionally on an equal sum being raised by private subscription.” I am now assured by the lady who generously espoused his cause that she is unable to collect the insignificant sum necessary to secure the Government subsidy.
Therefore, I appeal to the public, who have so greatly benefited by the labors of Black Peter, to come forward and contribute to the fund now being raised in his behalf. The time is approaching when the subsidy will lapse. I hope, therefore, it will be remembered that “ they give twice who give quickly.’’ — I am, etc., Vincent Pyke Dunedin, November 25.
[Subscriptions will be gladly received by the manager of the Evening Star and duly acknowledged.] -Evening Star, 28/11/1885.
Black Peter Relief. — Tapanui people are contributing their quota to the relief fund for the old man who, Mr Pyke says, is the father of our Otago goldmining. It seems to me that the conditional vote of the House is but a scant recognition of his services in the development of the country. Why not vote old Peter a pension? -Otago Witness, 12/12/1885.
Tapanui County Council
Peter Miller forwarded a subscription-list for assistance to Edward Peters (better known as "Black Peter"), the first discoverer of gold in Otago. — Cr McNab stated that Black Peter, who was at present living at Balclutha, was in reduced circumstances, and as this was a matter of pure charity, he moved to the effect that a donation of £5 be granted, provided the council has the necessary power. — Mr Cotton seconded the proposition, which was carried. -Otago Daily Times, 14/12/1885.
Our Tapanui correspondent telegraphs: "Mr Vincent Pyke, M.H.R., lectured here last night to a good house, the subject being 'Back and Forth.' Professor Ulrich, who is examining the district on mineralogy at the request of the Minister of Mines, was on the platform, and in the course of some brief remarks recommended the settlers strongly to go in for forest planting, as the land was very suitable. Mr Pyke was requested to give a political address, but declined, as the Ministry had not promulgated their policy, saying he declined to fight shadows. The lecture was free, and the subscriptions at the door in aid of the Black Peter fund were small. In the course of his remarks Mr Pyke mentioned that the Tapanui town contributed more to the Peter fund than Dunedin, although the black man's original discovery opened a goldfield that yielded an immense quantity of precious metal." -Evening Star, 16/1/1886.
As this district owed not a little of its former prosperity to the work of Black Peter, as pioneer of the Otago goldfields, and the fund being raised elsewhere for his relief, yet wants a little of reaching the required amount of £50, which must be speedily raised in order to entitle to the Government grant of an equal amount, we have much pleasure in stating that subscriptions will be gladly received at this Office, or by Mr George Coombe, Commercial Hotel, which will be duly acknowledged. The following information with reference to Black Peter was furnished by Mr Walter Miller, Otago Heads, who expresses his strong personal sympathy with the movement: — "In the beginning of the year previous to Gabriel Reid's discovery, Peter was fencing for me at Roxburgh Station, and while sinking the posts he found the color, and during his spare hours in the evenings prospected about the creeks and got a little gold. This aroused his enthusiasm, and when he finished his contract with me, strange to say, instead of setting into regular work to mine on my property, he quietly rigged himself out, started up country, and began to work in earnest at Evan's Flat. There he also found the colour, but owing to rather deep alluvial sinking, large flow of water, indifferent appliances, and his means giving out, poor, plucky Peter had to abandon his cherished object shortly before Mr Reid made his great discovery at Tuapeka. I always thought, and still think, that Peter should have been rewarded by Government, because, though he did not make a rich find like Mr Reid, who can tell how much the prospecting efforts of the former had to do with directing the latter to the goal of his great success. It is sad to think that Peter is now in want, and I think his case has strong claim upon the community for pecuniary assistance especially upon those who have been largely benefitted by the goldfields, and I would suggest that an urgent call be made upon property owners in and around Dunedin to subscribe liberally to this laudable object. I think town property is greatly enhanced in value, and the commercial interest greatly fostered by the discovery of our goldfields. Therefore I hope that a generous effort will be made to place in comfort and above want for the rest of his days one who in a humble way has done good service to the country, and who is now well up in years and unfit for active work." -Bruce Herald, 26/1/1886.
Mr V. Pyke,. M. H. R., has applied for the subsidy voted by Parliament to Black Peter (the discoverer of gold at Tuapeka), the £50 necessary to obtain the vote being, now in the bank. It is intended to place the fund under the control of a committee, and a meeting of subscribers is to be held at Balclutha to appoint the members thereof. -Cromwell Argus, 9/2/1886.
The Black Peter Fund.
Editor Witness. — Black Peter has requeued me to thank (through the Witness) all those who so generously assisted in procuring for him a provision for the remainder of his life. More especially are his thanks due to Mrs John Mitchell, of Balclutha, for her continued and untiring efforts to ensure the much-needed help; also to Vincent Pyke, Esq., for his valuable assistance in pushing through the House the grant in aid, and for his subsequent services in securing so advantageous a return for the amount needed. The Balclutha Amateur Dramatic Club inaugurated its existence by giving to this charity the handsome proceeds of the performance. Mr Nicol, miner, of the West Coast, also rendered valuable help. Many others gave their subscriptions generously.
Subscribers will be pleased to learn that Mr Vincent Pyke has arranged with the Benevolent Institution Committee, in consideration of that institution receiving the total amount subscribed, to receive an allowance of 10s per week for Black Peter, the first discoverer of gold in Otago, for the remainder of his life. — Yours, &c, Thomas McKenzie.
Balclutha, April 20. -Otago Witness, 24/4/1886.
Under this heading Mrs C. R. Mitchell, of Balclutha, writes as follows in the Clutha Free Press: — "About a fortnight ago we noticed in the Dunedin papers a report of the death in the Benevolent Institution of one Edward Peter. The name was uncommon, and in answer to a letter from a resident of Balclutha, we found that it was as we feared — the first discoverer of gold in Otago, 'Black Peter,' was dead. He died of pthisis, and, as the secretary informed us, in his 67th year. He was an old colonist. He came to New Zealand in the ship Maori, somewhere, I think from his conversation, about 40 years ago. Some of the old identities, I have no doubt, remember the date of her arrival. Peter was not quite sure of his own age, but from the fact that the festivities in connection with the coronation of Queen Victoria were amongst his earliest recollections, he must have been somewhere between 60 and 70 years of age, but I do not think he was more than 63. He was a native of Satara, and I have often heard him talk of Poona, and in his young days, when working in Bombay, he was a Mahratta, and was not free from the faults Macaulay ascribes to that race. He forgot a kindness much more quickly than he did an injury. In early youth he was reared in the Hindoo religion, but owing to his long residence amongst white people his views were somewhat altered. Still there was a strong leaning to the faith he was reared in, and a strong love for his native Hindustan. I have had many a pleasant conversation with Peter over historical events and other matters connected with India. He was always pleased to hear anything I could tell him. Brahmins and Parsees were discussed, and he would tell how 'Sir Jansetjee jeejhee bhoy,' or, as the sailors used to call him, 'jump-up jeesiboy,' acquired his great wealth; about the wars in India, and the state of ignorance his countrywomen were held in. He was always delighted to hear of their advancement in any way; in fact, he was naturally very, intelligent and observant; and had the advantages of a good education and good moral training fallen to his share, Peter would have been above the average class of people one meets with in everyday life. He was always gentle and kindly to animals, and very tender over young children.
How he first discovered gold in Otago is well known to the reading public; also how another won the renown and reward that should have been his. Certainly it was through his own folly that he lost the reward, and caused loss to others. Assuredly he was the first to get 'payable' gold (in this province), and is it not written in Mr Vincent Pyke's book on the early discoveries of gold in Otago? So there remains nothing more to be said. Eight years ago a petition was presented to the House of Parliament by Mr J. C. Brown, M.H.R. (since deceased), telling the true story of Peter's discovery, and praying for some recognition of his services. Mr Andrew G. Nicol, of Grey Valley, who died over two years ago, also gave valuable advice and assistance, but in spite of all that could be done, and in the face of the fact that Mr Vincent Pyke (when a member of the House of Representatives) said he could prove the authenticity of the story, the Government only gave £50, with the proviso that the people raise another £50, as a provision for Peter. The battle seemed almost hopeless till Mr Pyke's aid was solicited, and he soon got things into a satisfactory state, and the grim wolf of want was banished from poor old Peter's door. He has for the last 10 years enjoyed a pension of 10s a week, which, owing to the kindness of Mr John Hartley Jenkinson, of Port Molyneux, in providing him with a home, a small garden, and plenty of firewood for the last five years, has enabled him to enjoy the latter days of his life without being harassed by worldly cares.
I believe several others of the Port Molyneux people showed him great kindness. He has been more or less in an invalid state for years, and his removal to the Benevolent Institution was doubtless owing to the fact that he had been ill for a considerable time. His pension was not sufficient to support him in sickness and procure medical aid and constant attention such as he would require. The best was done for him in removing him to a place where everything he needed could be readily procured. In 'Black Peter' another of our pioneers has passed away, and his name must ever be associated with the early history of Otago. Who will follow in the footsteps of the hardy pioneers who are gradually dropping out of the ranks one after another? White-handed labour is being overdone and snobbery is rampant in our colonial towns, but surely from the ashes of Bracken's 'kingly race of men' shall spring a stalwart, intelligent people, whose lives and actions shall make glorious a free, prosperous, democratic Australasia." -Otago Witness, 29/6/1893.
In 1936 the 75th anniversary of the discovery of gold was celebrated — and so was the memory of Edward Peters.
(From "Early Gold Discoveries in Otago.") The narrative of Mr Thomson's connection with the discovery in Tuapeka is given in his own words: —
"In the autumn of 1858, whilst I was working at the Molyneux ferry, better known now as Balclutha, I one day met with "Black Peter," who showed me a small quantity of very fine gold (about a grain), which he told me he had obtained whilst building a shepherd's hut for Messrs Davey and Bowler, near the Tuapeka River.
"I had been engaged in boring for minerals for several years in the Old Country previous to my coming to New Zealand, and had acquired some little knowledge of mineralogy, which, I suppose, led me to take a stronger interest in Peter's discovery than the other people about the ferry, for, though Peter had no hesitation in showing his gold to anyone, the majority merely regarded it with curiosity, without showing any inclination to go and look for more.
"I immediately caught the gold fever — which might, in my case, be regarded as an incurable complaint, for I have not got rid of it — and made arrangements with Peter to go back with him, see the place where he had made the discovery, and, if I thought sufficiently well of it, to procure a load of provisions, etc., for the purpose of going properly into prospecting. Just then a heavy flood set in, which prevented our getting away for two or three weeks, but at the end of that time we started on our journey.
"The distance was about 40 miles, and we managed to do it in two days.
"On the evening of the first day we met with a lad who was employed as a shepherd, and we passed the night in his tent. Wild pigs were plentiful in those days, and our young host had just killed a good fat one, a part of which we stowed away very enjoyably after our tramp.
"Whilst on our way during the second day, we fell in with Mr Peter Robertson, who was sowing grass seed on some ground torn up by the pigs. We had a yarn with him for a while, then proceeded, and towards evening landed at Messrs Davy and Bowler's shepherd's hut, where we were kindly welcomed by Davy Falconer.
"The following day Peter and I went down to the flat beside the Tuapeka River, where he had first found the gold. On the banks of the river we observed a formation of pipe clay carrying wash on its surface; we washed a few dishes, and, though the prospects obtained were not exciting ones, I considered them to be very fair in themselves, and sure indications of something better, for the strata showed a decided decline into the flat, and consequently we expected deeper and richer ground further in.
"Our expectations in this latter respect were well proved to be correct by other more fortunate diggers, for the place we were then trying, with only a shovel and tin dish, a few years after became known as Evan's Flat.
"We wanted provisions, and we wanted tools, so we held a council of two, and decided that Peter should return to the ferry and bring up a bullock load of necessaries, for which I had made arrangements before we commenced our journey. Whilst Peter was on this errand, I passed the time in prospecting such shallow ground on the flat as I could get at with the shovel. Everywhere I tried I got gold; sometimes about a grain to the dish, sometimes less.
"At the end of eight days Peter returned with the bullock load, and also brought with him another man to join our prospecting party.
"The new arrival was a big American negro, who had been cook on board the Strathfieldsaye. Like myself, he had caught the gold fever from Peter, and, having paid his footing like a man, Peter took him into the party.
"We immediately turned to and built a cabbage tree hut to live in, and then with the new set of tools, determined to tackle the deep ground in the flat. I think we only got down a little more than three feet when water began to come in on us; but the other two assisting at the baling, I managed to keep digging down with the shovel, and after a little time, though the water was gaining fast we struck the wash and got out a dish full.
"Out of that dish we obtained 1/2dwt speck and 1/2dwt of fine gold. Our spirits were considerably raised, and we expected to do well.
"That night, after supper, we sat outside the hut, talking over our good luck, and, warming with the subject, the big negro gave us a sort of triumphant song and dance. It was as comical a thing as I have ever seen. I represented the audience, and Peter played an accompaniment on the camp oven with an iron spoon.
"We had been counting our chickens before they were hatched. Our expectations of wealth were not realised; the water proved to be an insuperable obstacle, for we had no pump and no material to make one. We tried several other parts of the deep ground with the same result. Then we fell back on the shallow ground for a while, putting the wash dirt through a sluice box which Peter had brought on the bullock dray. The gold was fine, and we did not at that time know properly how to save it. I believe we lost more than we gained. At any rate, we found it would not pay, so we started around the gullies prospecting. Amongst other places, we tried the head of Gabriel's Gully, but the ground was too deep and the water too plentiful.
"Provisions and money growing scarce, I made back to the ferry, obtained work there, and commenced saving money to try and start a properly-equipped prospecting party. While I was still preparing for this, news came down of Gabriel Read's discovery, and a fortnight after I had a good claim pegged off in Gabriel's Gully." -Otago Daily Times, 20/5/1936.
Sir, — I have many times heard "Black Peter," whilst sitting by a good fire in our house with his old dog Romeo asleep at his feet, tell the story of his foolishness in getting drunk in the hotel at Tokomairiro and of his showing the gold and telling Gabriel Read where he got it, and of Gabriel reaping the reward. My mother, who was usually a kindly woman, always seized the opportunity to give Peter a lecture on the evils of drink, not so much because of the financial loss to him but to impress him with the spiritual loss caused by his giving way to strong drink. Peter was old and impoverished at the time, and it seemed to me like hitting a man when he was down. I do not think Peter ever had experience in Californian or Australian goldfields. He came to New Zealand in the Maori about 1854 —I am not certain of the year — as a member of the crew. The story of how they found gold at Evans Flat can be read in Vincent Pyke's "Early Gold Discoveries in Otago," as written by John Thomson, Peter's first mate, and most interesting reading it makes. John Thomson died, many years ago at Kaitangata, and was an uncle of my mother's. We were all very familiar with Black Peter and his story.
— I am, etc., Mary M. Mitchell. Mosgiel, May 19. -Otago Daily Times, 20/5/1936.
Sir, — Mr H. Hart, in the course of his speech at Lawrence, suggested that a small memorial should be erected over "Black Peter's" grave. "Peter" died in the Benevolent Institution about May or June, 1893, and was not buried in Balclutha, as it was not until he was buried that friends in Balclutha heard of his death. He is buried in the Southern Cemetery, as far as I know.
It was not mentioned at the celebrations that "Black Peter" put in a claim for the reward in 1861. The letter, having been written by a man at Kaihiku, whose name has escaped my memory, was ignored. "Black Peter" did get a trifling reward from the Government in the eighties. He would not even have had that had it not been for a woman with a kind heart and an eloquent pen who took up his cause and interested Messrs Vincent Pyke, J. C. Brown, and other influential men on the justice of his claim.
— I am. etc., M. M. M. Mosgiel, May 23. -Otago Daily Times, 25/5/1936.
It is a far cry back to the days before Gabriel Read discovered gold in the gully which now bears his name, but a link with that distant past comes to light in the form of recent presentations to the Otago Early Settlers’ Association’s collection of valuables. The articles concerned are a gold ring, a large greenstone Maori tiki, a snuff box, and a small anvil. They were presented by Mr G. T. Dawson, of Timaru.
Perhaps greatest interest centres in the gold ring. It is made from gold washed from the mouth of a creek at the end of Gabriel's, in May, 1858 (three years before the rush), by a native prospector from Australia, Peter Edwards, known to that period as Black Peter. The gold was given by him to Mr William Dawson, who, with his wife, arrived in the province in the ship Pluebo Dunbar, on October 24, 1850.
Mr Dawson had the gold made into a ring for his wife, and she wore it during her life. This lady died in 1915. The ring has successively passed from one member of the family to another until it finally came into the possession of a granddaughter, Mrs M. Windleborn, of Waimate, who has handed it over to the association to join the other collection of Dawson relics.
The tiki, a fine specimen, both in size and workmanship, was found in 1861 by the mailman on the Edendale Plains. On that journey he was accompanied by Mr Dawson, and in recognition of many kindnesses, the mailman gave the tiki to his companion.
The snuff box, brought out from Scotland (by the Dawsons, is over 100 years old. It is made from potatoes, the ebony-like material bearing some resemblance to the modern xylonite. The box still contains some of the original snuff brought from Scotland.
The anvil, the last article of interest, to the uninitiated might be anything but an anvil. It bears the appearance of some form of wooden mallet, the handle of which is pointed like a pick. The whole anvil, indeed, is no bigger than a medium-sized mallet. It was used for sharpening picks, the pointed handle being driven into a stump, which thus “bedded” the anvil. This handy little anvil was first used upon the opening up of the mine at Kaitangata. It also was brought out from Scotland.
All these interesting exhibits are in a serviceable case, together with photographs of four generations of the Dawson family. They will make a valuable addition to the Early Settlers’ remarkable museum collection. -Evening Star, 27/4/1941.
The Edward Peters memorial in the rest area and park beside the Central Otago highway. Placed there due to the perseverance of locals and local historian Alan Williams. |
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