Monday 22 November 2021

Sarah (Sissy) McStay, 1887-1/8/1913.



Waitahuna (writes our correspondent) has sustained a severe loss by the death of Miss Sarah McStay who passed away on the 1st of August. The deceased young lady was born at Mullochmore County Armagh in 1886, and came with her mother and two brothers to Lawrence in 1894 to join four older brothers who had came out previous to that time. She remained with her mother about three years in the Lawrence district and afterwards removed to Paddie's Point on the Waitahuna road where they had their home for about eleven years, so that she received her education at Clark's Flat and at the Lawrence District High School. Since that time her home has been at Waitahuna, but some years of her time was spent in Dunedin where she acquired a thorough knowledge of the dressmaking business which she turned to splendid account when she set up for herself at her home some three years ago. Providence ordered, however, that she should not remain long at her trade as a fatal disease compelled her to relinquish it about fifteen months ago. Since that time every thing possible has been done by her mother, brothers and others to restore her to health again, but without avail as she gradually became weaker. Miss McStay was a remarkably bright and cheerful young Christian. The remarkable testimonies which have been sent to her sorrowing mother from all quarters where she was known speak of her gentleness, of her Christian service, and of her faith in her Saviour. It was very touching to read the testimonies of some young girls who had baen taught by her in the Sunday School in Dunedin. We shall all miss her but "we sorrow not as those who have no hope." Her remains were gently laid to rest in the Lawrence Cemetery on Monday, 4th inst., the Rev. J. S. Ponder conducting most impressive services.  -Tuapeka Times, 9/8/1913.

Lawrence Cemetery.

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