Monday 23 August 2021

10524 Private Patrick Wentworth Linton, 1917-16/3/1940.



Grave injuries to the head and laceration of the brain were suffered by a soldier, Private Patrick Wentworth Linton, aged 22 years, when his motor cycle collided with a telegraph pole in Brook street, Nelson, last night. No other vehicle was about when Linton was found, and the cause of the accident is unknown. His condition is critical.  -Evening Star, 16/3/1940.



The late Private Patrick Wentworth Linton, whose death occurred with such tragic suddenness, was born at Nelson in 1917. He was educated at the Auckland Point School and also at the Technical School. He was a promising player in the 3rd grade Rugby teams in his ’teens. He enlisted early when the call was made for the men for the 2nd Echelon at Nelson and was in the Burnham Camp as driver in the sth Field Ambulance Unit. As a proof of his popularity with the members of his unit, several of his comrades motored from Christchurch to pay their tribute to their late comrade He was held in the highest esteem and was a good soldier. He was the second youngest son of Mrs Mary Linton and the late Cornelius Linton, of Gloucester street, and is survived by five sisters and five brothers. The deepest sympathy of the public goes out to them in their sudden tragic loss.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 19/3/1940.


LINTON.—In loving memory of our brother and uncle, Driver Patrick Wentworth Linton, who was killed while home on final leave, 16th March. 1940. 

Not just tc-day. but every day, 

In silence we remember. 

 — Inserted by Sandy, Madge and Lorne, Deep Creek.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 17/3/1941.

Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.

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