Wednesday 19 April 2023

Daniel Joseph Egan, 1890-9/7/1915.



A sad accident occurred in the Sandstone district yesterday afternoon which resulted in the death of a young man named: Daniel Egan. Deceased, who was about 25 years of age, was working as a farmhand for Mr F. Shallard, of Kaiweku. During the day he proceeded to Riversdale for a load of coal, and on returning homewards the accident occurred. As far as can be ascertained no one witnessed the accident, but Egan's body was later found on the road by Mr F. Walker at what is known as Kennedy's corner (near Mr Shallard's farm). The body was lying on the road just in front of the wheel of the dray. The wheel mark of the dray was distinctly visible on the man's clothes. The road is in a very rough state where the accident occurred, but whether Egan was walking (it is thought he was) or fell off the dray is not known. 

Dr Watt (Gore) was summoned, but could only pronounce life extinct. He found all of the ribs on one side of the body crushed in, and death must have been instantaneous. Great regret is expressed at the untimely end of a young man who was esteemed by all who knew him. He was a son of Mr James Egan, of Riversdale. An inquest was held to-day.  -Mataura Ensign, 10/7/1915.


A coroner's inquest was held at Riversdale on Saturday before Mr H. A. Young, coroner, on the body of David Joseph Egan, who was found dead on. the road on Friday evening. 

W. S. Paterson gave evidence to the effect that about 7 o’clock on Friday evening he was riding along the Nine Mile Road and when about five miles from Riversdale he saw a dray with three horses attached standing on the road. When he got near to the dray he saw deceased, lying on his back on the road with the wheel of the dray resting on his chest. The accident occurred half-way down a rise on the road. Witness tried to back the horses but without success. The dray was full of coal and Egan appeared to be dead. Witness remounted his horse and galloped to Mr Walker’s residence, half-a-mile distant, for assistance. Messrs Walker and P. J. Reid returned with witness and removed the body. Witness then rode- to Riversdale and the stationmaster informed the police. 

John Reid gave evidence to the effect that he was talking to deceased about half a mile from where the accident occurred at 5.45 p.m. Egan was then quite well. He was driving a dray with three horses. 

Dr Thos. W. Watt (Gore) said that he was called for and saw the body of deceased about 9 p.m. at Mr Shallard’s. He found that deceased’s abdomen had been crushed and the left side of the chest had also been crushed, the ribs being fractured. The injuries could have been caused by deceased falling in front of the wheel of the dray. The wheel had gone right on to the body but not right over it. Death would be instantaneous. 

The coroner found the following verdict, “That deceased, David Joseph Egan was killed on July 9, 1915, near Riversdale, through accidentally falling under a dray and being crushed by one of the wheels.”  -Mataura Ensign, 13/7/1915.

Riversdale Cemetery.

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