Monday 11 March 2024

23065 Rifleman Thomas Braidwood Winchester, (30/7/1890-21/11/1918). "severely gassed"


Word was received in town this afternoon of the death, at Hokitika, of Private Thomas Winchester, the cause of death being pneumonic influenza. Private Winchester, who enlisted from Westport with one of the earlier Reinforcements, had only recently returned from the front, where he had been severely gassed. Since arriving in the Dominion he has been an inmate of the Waikato Hospital, and about a fortnight ago he came over to Hokitika. He was residing with Mr and Mrs A. D. Macfarlane in the northern town. The deceased, who was a brother of Miss Winchester of the local Borough Council’s staff, was about 45 years of age. Deceased will be accorded a military funeral at Hokitika to-morrow.  -Greymouth Evening Star, 21/11/1918.

The funeral of the late Rifleman 'Thomas Winchester took place at Hokitika cemetery yesterday morning deceased being accorded a military funeral. The military parade was under Major Jeffries, Lieutenant Parkhill and Sergeant-Major Green, of Greymouth, also being present. There was a fair muster of Territorials, Cadets, and returned soldiers. The Rev. C. L. Wilson, of Ross, conducted the service, the Territorials providing the firing party, and Bugler Ross sounding the “Last Post.”  -Greymouth Evening star, 23/11/1918.

Hokitika Cemetery.

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