Tuesday 5 March 2024

John Newton, (1886-2/1/1898). "shocking and fatal"

The Kumara Times records a shocking and fatal accident which happened at the Kawhaka on Wednesday afternoon. It appears that John, a boy of eleven years of age, the son of Mr Newton, was together with his brother, driving a dray down the road towards the house, when the horse was startled by a mare, with foal afoot, running past it. The lad was unable to pull the horse up and it was very soon proceeding at a gallop. The off wheel came in contact with a small stump by the side of the track and the horse threw the unfortunate boy forward in such a way that he fell with his neck under the near wheel. The injuries inflicted were shocking, his blood bespattering the ground. Death must have been instantaneous. The brother was also thrown out and in addition to a severe shaking and bruising received a terrible lacerated wound on the thigh. A sad fact in connection with the event is that Mrs Newton is said to have witnessed the details of the accident. The injured boy was at once conveyed to the Kumara Hospital and attended to by Dr. Myles.   -Grey River Argus, 5/1/1895.

Hokitika Cemetery.

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