Wednesday 3 July 2024

John Kidson Wildman, (1883-9/10/1900). "from a topsail yard"

A Nelson Boy. — John Wildman, a son of Captain Wildman, who went away in the Margaret Galbraith when she was in Nelson last, in writing home says they picked up the crew of the Danish Barque Thor about 700 miles from the river Plate in a starving condition. On account of bad weather and running short of provisions they put into Rio de Janiero. He says the passage up to that time had occupied over ninety days.  -Colonist, 27/10/1900.


Wildman. - On October 9th, 1900, lost overboard from the ship "Margaret Galbraith," John Kidson, the second and beloved son of William and Ann Wildman. Deeply regretted.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 3/1/1901.

SYDNEY, This Day. Owing to a squall a harbour boat capsized, and Mr. Park, second officer of the steamer Kalgoorlie, was drowned. Captain Wildman, of the steamer Charles Edward, received news on Saturday that his son John, who shipped on the barque Margaret Galbraith on her last visit to this port, fell from a topsail yard and was drowned during the vessel's voyage Home.  -Evening Post, 2/1/1901.

Wakapuaka Cemtery, Nelson.


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