Sunday 21 July 2024

Major Colin McKenzie Taylor, (1844-6/5/1904). "persent with the expedition"


Death of a Veteran. — In another column is announced the death of Major Taylor, who resided a short time at College Hill, Nelson. The deceased gentleman was a veteran of the Maori war, and will tomorrow be accorded a military funeral, regarding which a District order appears in our advertisement columns. Obituary. — The late Major Colin McKenzie Taylor, who died at his residence, "Rangimare," Waimea Road, on Friday, was accorded a military funeral yesterday afternoon. There was a good muster of all corps and the firing party was provided by the Nelson Rifles, Stoke Rifles and Nelson Rifle Cadets. The Garrison Band played the funeral marches, the "Dead March in Saul" and the "Garland of Flowers." The ceremony of the Church of England was read at the graveside by the Rev. J. P. Kempthorne. Major Taylor was on the Unattached List of the New Zealand Militia, and was born at Chippewa, in West Canada, in 1844. He was educated in Germany, France, Cheltenham College, and at the Military College, Sandhurst. He joined the 12th Regiment of Foot (now the Suffolk Regiment),and arrived in Sydney in 1863. In October of the same year his regiment was ordered to New Zealand, where he accompanied an expeditionary force to the Thames. He afterwards served throughout the Waikato campaign, for which service he received the New Zealand war medal. He returned to England in 1867, left the army, and came back to the Colony three years later, when he joined the Armed Constabulary force in Wellington as a private. In 1879 he was promoted to be subinspector, and was present with the expedition at Parihaka. He was sent to Lyttelton in charge of the Permanent Artillery in 1885, and retired from the force with the rank of major in 1890. Major Taylor resided at Christchurch for some time, and settled here some eighteen months ago. Among those present at his funeral yesterday was Constable Cameron, of Richmond, who served under the deceased in the Maori war.   -Colonist, 16/5/1904.

Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.

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