Thursday, 26 December 2024

3/2614 Private Allan Carswell Cochran, (25/2/1893-19/6/1917). "And all is well"


A very large gathering assembled in the School on Friday evening to do honour to Private Allan Cochran, second son of Mr and Mrs Cochran, of Te Tua, who is down on final leave. A large number were present from the surrounding districts, showing the esteem in which the Cochran family are held in the district. After the singing of the National Anthem, the following concert programme was gone through: — Miss Robertson, song; Master Ray McKay, recitation; school children, song, Messrs Cochran Bros., duet; Miss Lily Whyte, recitation; Mrs Tosh, song; Miss Violet Hewitt (Tuatapere) delighted the company with her recitations: Florence McCullough, recitation; Mr H. Cochran, song; school children, song; Mr McFeely, recitation. 

Mr B. C. Howell, on behalf of those present, handed to Private Cochran an illuminated wristlet watch, assuring him of their good wishes, of God-speed, and wishing him a safe return home again. Mr R. Smith, of Tuatapore, then presented Private Cochran with a safety razor from the members of the Methodist Church, of which he was organist for a number of years. Mr Smith spoke of the high esteem in which the Cochran family are held in the district, and of the career of usefulness that lay before the guest of the evening in going forth to minister to the sick and wounded in the Ambulance section of the 19th Reinforcement. 

Private Cochran feelingly replied, thanking one and all for the honour done him and the beautiful and useful presents they had given him, which he would treasure. 

After a plentiful supper had been handed round a number of games were indulged in and heartily enjoyed. "Auld Lang Syne” and “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” concluded an evening long to be remembered in Te Tua.  -Southland Times, 1/12/1916.


A message from Wellington to Mr Wm. C. Cochran, of Rowan Braes, Te Tua, Intimated the death at the front, on June 19, of his second son, Allan Carswell Cochran, a member of the New Zealand Medical Corps, attached to the 4th Field Ambulance, 4th Brigade. He enlisted at Te Tua in the 19th Reinforcements, and went through a course of training at Awapuni camp, near Palmerston North, and Featherston, where he had a good deal of nursing experience. Private Cochran proceeded to England with the second section of the 20th Reinforcements, and was at Blackpool, Lancashire, at the middle of May, when his parents last heard from him. He was born at Queenstown, Wakatipu, in 1893, and received his education in Southland. On leaving school he took to farming pursuits and gained a good knowledge of stock through his keen observations. He was a lover of animals and a devout student of nature. His letters, while on his way to the front, are full of interesting reading, descriptive of the places he visited and the country traversed. He had acquired more than a superficial knowledge of music — violin and organ — and was for a considerable time organist to the Tuatapere Methodist Church, where his playing was much appreciated. Allan and his elder brother were much in requisition at almost every social gathering held in the “city of the west." His genial and kindly disposition endeared him to all with whom he came in contact, and he will be much missed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Genuine sympathy is felt throughout the district for the relatives of deceased in their bereavement.   Southland Times, 7/7/1917.



COCHRAN. — In memory of our much beloved one, Allan Carswell Cochran (Te Tua), 4th N.Z. Field Ambulance, who was killed while in action near Armentieres on June 19, 1917.

And all is well, tho' faith and form 

Be sunder'd in the night of fear; 

Well roars the storm to those that hear 

A deeper voice across the storm.  -Otago Daily Times, 19/6/1918.



COCHRAN — In fond memory of our much beloved one, Allan Carswell Cochran, Te Tua, 4th N.Z. Field Ambulance, who was killed in action near Armentieres on June 19, 1917. 

“And love will last as pure and whole 

“As when he loved me here in Time, 

“And at the Spiritual prime 

“Rewaken with the dawning soul.” 

— Tennyson. 

— Inserted by his loved ones.  -Southland Times, 17/6/1922.

Orepuki Cemetery.

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