The death of William Brown, a native of Orepuki. and about 57 years of age, occurred under tragic circumstances on Saturday morning. The deceased was working at Takahi. where he was engaged in stumping. About 7.40 a.m. a fanner named Nutall, who lived in the vicinity of where the deceased was working, heard an explosion. He went to see what had taken place, and he found Brown lying dead. His body and face were terribly mutilated, and he had apparently been blown some 20ft. -Evening Star, 28/7/1913.
The inquest on the body of William Brown, who met his death as the result of a blasting accident at Hekeia (Longwood) on Saturday last, was held at Mr James Laurie’s residence, Tihaka (Oraki) on Monday before Mr G. T. Dawson, J.P. (acting coroner), and the following jury: Messrs D. Deegan (foreman). R. Thompson. C. G. Donaldson. and J. T. Grenfell.
W. B. Laurie, in the course of his evidence, stated that he was employed by the deceased in the formation of a road between Longwood and Tihaka. Deceased was a most careful and practical hand with all kinds of explosives.
John Nuttall, farmer, residing at Longwood, stated that at about 11.30 a.m. on Saturday he heard an explosion which he considered to be somewhat unusual at that time. He then travelled about a mile from his place to make enquiries. On going through the track he picked up several plugs of gelignite, and about a chain further on came across the body of deceased. His clothing was then on fire. He also found a billy near the body, containing newly made tea. He extinguished the flames and then went on to Hekeia and rang up Constable Beadle, who shortly afterwards arrived on the spot accompanied by Dr Gordon.
Constable Beadle gave evidence in regard to finding the body.
C. H. Gordon, medical practitioner, stated that he examined the body of deceased on Saturday. He was lying about twenty feet away from were the explosion occurred. He described the injuries to the-deceased. He had the remains conveyed to the house of James Laurie (a relative of deceased), Tihaka. The jury brought in a verdict that the deceased met his death by being blown up with gelignite, there being no blame attachable to anyone.
The late Mr Brown was an old resident of the district. He had for some years been in the employment of the Wallace County Council as surfaceman. For a number of years he resided at Oraki, but some time back he removed to the Orepuki district, taking up land, and also engaged in contract road making. He was at the time of his death under a contract with the Public Works Department, and had four nephews (Laurie Bros.) working with him. It is surmised the accident occurred through the premature explosion of gelignite which deceased was preparing at the time. Mr Brown took a deep interest in school matters, being at one time a member of both the Oraki and Orepuki School Committees. At the last County election he unsuccessfully contested the Orepuki Riding for a seat on the Wallace County Council. He leaves a widow and grown up family, who have the full sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sudden bereavement. -Southland Times, 30/7/1913.
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