The seven lives lost by the Riverton boat accident were those of James McDonald, John Davis, James Parsons, Robert Cuffless, John Dawson, John Thompson. They started in the whaleboat known as the Government Coffin yesterday from Orepuki in search of the body of Memphis, who was drowned the other day. It was blowing a heavy gale, and the men were advised not to risk their lives in such a frail boat in such weather; but being earnestly entreated by Memphis' widow, went. In the afternoon a portion of the boat was found on the beach. Search parties then went out, and discovered all the bodies except that of Davis. This makes ten deaths by drowning in the district within a fortnight. -Bruce Herald, 9/4/1875.
A gloom was cast over the town and district on Wednesday by the intelligence that fears were entertained that the Government whaleboat, with a crew of six men, which left Orepuki on Tuesday morning in search of the body of Memphis, was lost, and that all her crew had perished. Later on, news came to town that a portion of the boat had been picked up, and that there were but slight hopes of the safety of the men. A search party left Riverton early on Thursday morning, proceeded towards Orepuki by the beach, and at Paihi Point, about four miles east of Orepuki, they came across six of the bodies. It was then discovered that there had been two John Thomsons in the boat ("Little John" and "Big John," as they were known by their fellow-miners), which made seven, instead of six, as at first reported, and that Charles Davis's body was missing, The names of the other unfortunate men, .are James Parsons, Robert Cupples, James McDonald, and John Dawson. All the men, with the exception of James Parsons (long and favorably known as “Deaf Jimmy ”), were in the prime of life, and the pick of the district. One of the men leaves a widow and family, another was a widower, and leaves four children, and several of the others had relatives dependent upon for them support. The party were warned by experienced men against attempting to go to sea in the boat in such weather; but, at the earnest entreaty of Mrs Memphis to seek for the missing body of her husband they were prevailed upon to embark upon such a perilous cruise. Mr Henry. Lyon has been placed in possession of a cheque for L20 by an anonymous contributor, for the relief of the relatives of the deceased men. -Evening Star, 12/4/1875.
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