Tuesday 13 June 2023

Robert Donaldson, 1888-22/6/1897. "unable to extricate himself"


Robert Donaldson, aged nine and a-half years, son of Mr William Donaldson, farmer, of Anderson Bay, met his death on Tuesday under very sad and pitiable circumstances. The lad chased a rabbit into a hole in a dry stone wall on the property of Mr A. Mathieson, of Tomahawk. When the rabbit disappeared the youth put his head and shoulders into the hole, and in doing so dislodged a stone weighing 50lb and other smaller ones, which fell upon his back, pinning him so securely that he was unable to extricate himself. His younger brother, who was with him at the time, tried to remove the stone, but was unable to do so. Deceased told his brother that he was dying, and requested him to go and tell his father. The lad started off for his father's place, which was about a .quarter of a mile away, and the father hurrying to the spot removed the stone with some difficulty. When taken out, however, the lad was found to be quite dead. The body was removed to the house and Dr Gordon Macdonald telephoned for. The latter arrived as quickly as possible and made an examination of the body. The face was found to be covered with blood and there was a slight abrasion on the boy's back, but no bones were broken. At an inquest held on the body yesterday the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the lad was accidentally killed while rabbiting in a stone wall fence by stones loosening and pressing their weight on his body.  -Evening Star, 24/6/1897.

Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin.  DCC photo.



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