Friday 21 June 2024

3/446A Captain Peter Gulland Hume, (24/2/1882-31/5/1916). "received every attention"


June, 1. Captain P. G. Hume, who left New Zealand with the Second Reinforcements, and returned from Egypt invalided some months ago, died in the Consumption Annex of the Nelson Hospital yesterday morning. The deceased, who was a son of the late Mr Robert Hume, of Dunedin, was educated at the Otago High School, and took up dentistry, practising his profession at Takaka. Shortly after the outbreak of the war he enlisted with the Second Reinforcements as a lieutenant, and became attached to the Royal Engineers. Later he was appointed dental surgeon at Lady Godley's hospital in Egypt, and on June 23rd, 1915, was promoted to the rank of captain. Owing to ill-health, however, he was invalided to New Zealand and admitted to the Nelson Hospital, where he received every attention, but his malady had advanced beyond the stage of successful treatment, and he lingered until yesterday. The deceased was 33 years of age, and leaves a widow and three children, the youngest of whom is aged four. There are also two brothers. Captain Hume was a member in one of the New Zealand contingents which, went to South Africa.

June. 5

The remains of the late Captain P. G. Hume were interred in the Nelson Cemetery on Saturday morning, with full military honours. The coffin was borne on a gun-carriage, covered with the Union Jack, and the cortege included a large number of Territorials, Cadets and National Reservists and the 12th Regiment Band. The firing party, in charge of Lieutenant Jamieson, was drawn from the College Cadets, and was eighty strong. The funeral service was conducted by Chaplain-Major Dart, assisted by the Rev. A. J. Carr, and at its conclusion the Last Post was sounded by Bugler Stephenson and three volleys were fired over the grave. The parade was in charge of Major Stiles, and among those present were Major Ching, Captain Nicholls (staff), Chaplain-Captain Bartley, Captains Brown, Johnson. Hammond, and Coleman, Lieutenants Hurst, Anstice, Leaper, Inwood, Boyes, and Watson (several of whom also acted his pall-bearers), representatives of the Sick and Wounded Soldiers' Fund, returned soldiers, the Mayor of Richmond (Mr J. Hunt), and other representative citizens.  -Colonist, 21/6/1916.

Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.

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