Saturday 8 June 2024

John Boyle Todd, (1831- 27/5/1854). "in the midst of his happiest hours"


At his residence, High Street, Dunedin, John Boyle Todd, printer, after a short illness, departed this life on the 27th ult.. In recording the death of him with whom we were so familiar, and who has so long and industriously laboured with us, a sense of duty and respect calls upon us to express our deep sorrow and regret for his sudden and unexpected removal from amongst us, and from that new sphere of life upon which in the highest hopes he had newly entered, he having been married only two days previous to his being seized with the illness which terminated his days, — thus cut down in the midst of his happiest hours and in the bloom of youth. Besides following his own occupation, he held the office of Secretary to the Property Investment Company, in which he took a particular interest; and his kind and obliging disposition in that as in his every other capacity, gained for him the love and esteem of all who knew him. His remains were accompanied to the cemetery by a large and most respectable company, including the members of the Odd-Fellows' Lodge, who kindly attended in a body.  -Otago Witness, 10/6/1854.


The first Annual General Meeting of the Otago Property Investment Company, adjourned from the 2nd inst., in consequence of a quorum not being then present, was held in the School-Room on the evening of the 30th ult. Mr. Mollison in the Chair.

The Chairman stated that in consequence of the death of Mr. Todd, the Secretary, the Auditors' Report on the affairs of the Company was not completed, and could not therefore be submitted to the meeting. After some further remarks, he requested the following resolution to be read to the meeting, which was read accordingly and ordered to be minuted: —

"That it is with mingled feelings of sorrow and regret that this meeting has to record the death of our respected Secretary, Mr. John Boyle Todd, who died suddenly on Saturday last. Since the commencement of the Company he has fulfilled the duties honourably to himself, and to the entire satisfaction of the Shareholders. In his private capacity he was beloved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and by his death the settlement has sustained a considerable loss.

"We, therefore, the Directors and Shareholders of the Otago Property Investment Company, beg to express our deep sympathy with his widow, under her sudden and melancholy bereavement."  -Otago Witness, 24/6/1854.

Arthur Street Cemetery, Dunedin.

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