Monday 9 September 2024

49874 Rifleman John Thompson Connelly, (25/7/1883-26/4/1918). "resulting in paralysis"

John Connelly's page in the "Online Cenotaph" contains the following details of his service and fatal wounding:

Connelly departed for France and joined the 2 Battalion, 3 New Zealand Rifle Brigade on 2 November. "On 16 November the New Zealanders took over Divisional command and Headquaters were set up in a hutted ANZAC Camp, to the south of Ypres at Chateau Segard. Connelly was detached to No. 2 Field Company, New Zealand Engineers from 25 November until the last week in February 1918. During this period the engineers constructed additional huts, repaired roads, built stables for horses, built protective walls against aeroplane bombs, and carried out many other tasks in preparation for enemy action the following spring."

"On 19 April 1918 Connelly was wounded in action in the Hebuterne area, receiving gunshot wounds to his neck and left arm, resulting in paralysis. He was transferred to England and arrived at No.1 NZGH, Brockenhurst on 24 April. He died two days later." 

His Army records notes: "severe gunshot wound neck."  John Connelly lies in the cemetery close to the hospital where he died.

Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin.

Brockenhurst Hospital.

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