Tuesday 17 September 2024

James Alexander Price, (1906-10/8/1932). "did not jump out of the way"


PRICE. — At Cromwell Hospital, on August 10th (result of accident), James Alexander, third son of William and Annie Price; aged 26 years. Deeply mourned.   -Evening Star, 10/8/1932.


A tragic accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon a few minutes after 5 o’clock, when James Price, a young officer of the P. and T. Department, aged twenty-six years, met with injuries which subsequently proved fatal. The young man, who is secretary of the local football team, came out of the Post Office into the street to hail two young men who were coming up the street on a motor cycle and side car. He held up his hands to stop the machine, as he appears to have done on many a previous occasion, but unfortunately did not jump out of the way, and was knocked down and dragged a considerable distance before the machine was stopped, sustaining injuries which proved fatal a few hours after admission to the hospital. The deceased had entered the local Post Office from school, and, save for a period in the Post Office at Arrowtown, worked in the Cromwell Post Office in various capacities. He had proved a most valued secretary to the Cromwell Football Club, and his sudden death cast quite a gloom over the town.  -Evening Star, 12/8/1932.



“That the deceased died from haemorrhage into, and laceration of, the brain caused by being accidentally run over by the side car of a motor cycle at Melmore terrace, Cromwell, on August 9,” was the verdict of the coroner (Mr E. Jolly, J.P.) at the inquest on the death of James Price, a young postal officer, held at the court house, Cromwell, on Wednesday morning. Counsel for the relatives of the deceased asked for an open verdict, but the coroner stated that the evidence was conclusive that the tragic event was purely accidental.  -Evening Star, 13/8/1932.

Cromwell Cemetery.

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