Tuesday 17 September 2024

John Robert Alexander Scott, (1896-4/2/1914). "an exemplary young man"



SCOTT. — At Cromwell Hospital on Wednesday, February 4th, 1914, John Alexander Robert (Bobbie), eldest son of John and Keziah Scott, late of Cromwell, aged 20 years.  -Cromwell Argus, 9/2/1914.


ROBERT SCOTT - Aged 20 Years. 

It is with very deep regret that we are called upon to record the death in the Cromwell Hospital on Wednesday last, of one of the district’s young men, Robert Scott, who passed away after a short but serious illness. Deceased, who was a native of Central Otago, was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs John Scott, well-known former residents of the Upper Clutha district and Bannockburn, but recently of Milton. Up till a fortnight ago deceased appeared in the best of health and was engaged in his usual occupation. When he entered the Cromwell Hospital he did not show symptoms of any serious illness, and after remaining in the institution a week, appeared to be well on the road to good health and anticipated returning to work, when a serious complaint developed, and he lapsed into unconsciousness, and from then up till his death a week later, regained consciousness only for brief intervals, the cause of death being attributed to inflammation of the brain. He was in all respects an exemplary young man, well-behaved and esteemed in all walks of life, and was exceedingly popular with a wide circle of young companions, with whom he became associated, as an active member of the football club and Territorials. The Funeral took place in the New Cemetery on Friday, a large gathering of friends and associates from far afield being present to pay their last tribute of respect. Among numerous floral tributes were wreaths from the Territorials and football club, the pall-bearers being drawn from the ranks of the same organisations. The service at the grave was conducted by Mr H. G. Gilbert, Presbyterian student. To the bereaved family and numerous relations throughout the district a widespread sympathy is extended.  -Cromwell Argus, 9/2/1914.

Cromwell Cemetery.

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