Sunday 1 September 2024

Dr William Keys Farrelle, LRCP, LRCS, LSA, (1844-20/4/1881). "somewhat eccentric"

The friends of the late Dr Farrelle will regret to learn that be died at Nelson yesterday morning. Dr Farrelle had been for many years a sufferer from a complication of ailments, and from the insidious effects of which all his own medical skill was unavailing in prolonging his days. Constitutionally he was weak in the heart, and liable at any day to fall a victim to that treacherous disease; while to asthma he was a perfect martyr. Strange to say Dr Farrelle was very successful in prescribing for asthma in other people, often giving great relief if not effecting a complete cure, when other practitioners had failed to give any relief to the same patients. Dr Farrelle had just returned to Nelson (which was his head quarters) after a very successful trip through the various places along this Coast, Deceased was undoubtedly clever in many branches of his profession, but was somewhat eccentric in demeanor at times.   -Grey River Argus, 20/4/1881.


THE Friends of the late Dr. FARRELLE are respectfully informed that his Funeral will leave the Residence of Mrs FOY , Wilden Lodge, for the New Cemetery at 2.30 on SATURDAY afternoon. 

GEO. FLEMING, Undertaker.  -Nelson Evening Mail, 21/4/1881.

Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson.


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