Wednesday 18 September 2024

John Munro, (1849-19/1/1875). "uniform kindness and civility"

Mr John Munro, a miner well known and highly respected in the Nevis district, died at the Dunstan Hospital on Sunday night, of chest disease. The body will be interred in the Cromwell cemetery to-morrow.   -Cromwell Argus, 19/1/1875.

It again becomes my painful duty to record another death, the victim being Mr John Munroe, a miner. The deceased has for years labored in the Nevis district, and nature being over-taxed has at length succumbed. Mr. Munroe expired at the Dunstan Hospital on Sunday last, and it is worthy of remark that a large circle of friends have arrived from the Nevis for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to one, who, by uniform kindness and civility endeared himself to all with whom he associated. The body was brought into Cromwell on Tuesday last, and the respect with which the deceased was held amply testified by the large procession of Wednesday last.  -Dunstan Times, 22/1/1875.

Cromwell Old Cemetery.

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