Wednesday 18 September 2024

Peter Stewart, (1858-31/3/1902). "previous excessive drinking"


(‘Alexandra Herald.’)

An inquest touching the death of Peter Stewart was held at the Courthouse, Alexandra, on Tuesday, before Mr J. D. Buchanan, J.P., Acting Coroner, and a jury of six, of which Mr T. Randal was chosen foreman. 

James Foohy, manager of the Earnscleugh dredge, sworn, said that deceased had been employed as engineer on the dredge. He last saw deceased alive between 11.30 a.m. and 11.45 on Monday morning. Deceased was then sober, but very nervous, and was apparently suffering from the effects of previous excessive drinking. He spoke to deceased, and advised him to go home and get some dinner. The next he heard of deceased was that he was found drowned. 

Andrew Proven, engine-driver, sworn, said be was employed on the Earnscleugh dredges. He last saw deceased alive on Monday morning about 9 o’clock, He was then going to work. Deceased left the dredge about mid-day. About seven o’clock in the evening he found the deceased’s body in the Fraser River about 15 yards below the footbridge. The body was lying in about 2ft of water. A large stone was strapped round the neck of the deceased. In witness’s opinion, death was caused by suicide committed whilst deceased was suffering from the after-effects of drink. 

Constable Stewart gave evidence as to the finding of the body. There were slight bruises on the face, which had been caused evidently by contact with the stones in the river when deceased jumped in. There were no indications of foul play. A large stone was strapped round the neck of deceased. and the .pockets of the clothes were full of stones.

After a short retirement the jury returned the following verdict "That the deceased Peter Stewart came to his death by intentional drowning, whilst temporarily insane."  -Cromwell Argus, 8/4/1902.

Alexandra Cemetery.

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