Sunday 1 September 2024

Gimmerburn's Supreme Sacrifice - World War 2.


15754 CORPORAL DANIEL CAMPBELL, MM, (28/10/1915-20/4/1943). "courage and initiative"

'On the afternoon of 26 March 194.3 Corporal Campbell was leading his section in the attack south of EL HAMMA, Tunisia when strong opposition was encountered. In the face of heavy fire and with complete disregard for his own safety he led his section against dug-in enemy positions and was responsible for destroying at least four of them. The speed and determination with which he attacked were largely responsible for his platoon getting forward at a point where had they been held up the adjoining platoon would have been exposed to heavy flank fire. The courage and initiative shown by Corporal Campbell throughout the attack were of the highest order and his leadership was outstanding.
-(Source: The National Archives. Recommendation for Award for Campbell, Daniel. (Ref. WO 373/25/214). Military Medal.

Corporal Daniel Campbell, who was awarded the Military Medal for outstanding bravery in the attack on El Hamma on March 26 and has since died of wounds, was the elder son of Mr and Mrs John Campbell, of Reid Road, South Dunedin. Corporal Campbell, who was 27 years of age at the time of his death, was a well-known footballer in Otago. He was educated at Gimmerburn, where he resided with his uncle, Mr John McLeod, and at the age of 19. he represented the Maniototo County at rugby football. He was at one time captain of the local Country team and for two years was a member of the Union first fifteen, Dunedin. Of a quiet disposition, he was held in high respect in the Gimmerburn district, where he spent most of his life. During his short residence at Frankton Dan Campbell also won many friends. He enlisted on the outbreak of war, and left for overseas service from Lake County as a private in 1940.  -Lake Wakatip Mail, 15/7/1943.

Enfidaville Military Cemetery, Tunisia.


Mr and Mrs J. G. Campbell and family, Reid road, wish to thank all kind friends and relations for their kind expressions of sympathy in their sad bereavement, of. their son, Daniel Campbell. 

In Memoriam

CAMPBELL.— In loving memory of Corporal Daniel Campbell, who was killed in Tunisia on April 20, 1943. 

Suddenly and quickly came the call; His sudden death a shock to us all. 

A sudden change in a moment fell. Without a chance to say farewell.

— Inserted by mother, father, Catherine, and Ivy. 

CAMPBELL. — In loving remembrance of our dear brother, Dannie, killed April 20, 1941. 

Why was he taken so young and so fair, When the world held so many it surely could spare? 

Inserted by Mona and Dick. 

CAMPBELL. — In loving memory of Cpl. Dannie Campbell, M.M., killed on active service, April 20, 1943. Ever remembered. — Inserted by Nola and Noel. 

CAMPBELL. — In loving memory of Cpl. Dannie Campbell, M.M., killed in action, April 20, 1943. "Ever remembered." — Inserted by Nan and Chas.  -Evening Star, 20/4/1946.

Andersons Bay Cemetery, 

8482 PRIVATE WILLIAM DOUGLAS MORRISON, (-7/12/1941). "your memory lingers"

William Morrison served with the 20th Battalion in the North African desert and was likely wounded several days before he died, during a disastrous attack on the Battalion by German tanks at Belhamed on December 1. The attack left many men dead, wounded and taken prisoner.


MORRISON. — In loving memory of Dug, Pte. 8482 W. D. Morrison, 20th Battalion 2nd N.Z.E.F., of Maungatua, died of wounds in Libya, December 7, 1941. 

In our hearts your memory lingers. But to weep, we know, is vain. 

God, some day, will cure our heartache, When He links the broken chain. 

— Inserted by his loved ones.  -Otago Daily Times, 7/12/1942.


"A History of Gimmerburn" described A J Woods as their "unknown soldier."  I have also failed to identify him and find his story.

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