Tuesday 7 May 2024

42481 Private David Don, (29/4/1884-1/10/1917). "farming at Georgetown"




Mr Chas, Don, of Georgetown, has received word that his brother, Private David Don, has been killed in action. The late Private Don was educated at the Duntroon School, and prior to enlisting was engaged in farming at Georgetown in partnership with his brother. He left New Zealand with the Twenty-fourth Reinforcements.   -North Otago Times, 20/10/1917.

David Don served in the 1st Batallion of the Otago Infantry Regiment.  Its Official History does not report any particular action on October 1st, the day of David's death.  For the record, the following is the description of that time:

Between five and six o'clock on the morning of September 30th the enemy's artillery assumed an activity which grew in intensity as our retaliatory fire developed, until their combined aggressiveness reached the stage of a fierce artillery duel. By 6.15 a.m. the enemy's guns had been silenced; but another form of hostile activity presented itself when enemy aeroplanes hovered over our lines almost continuously during the remainder of the morning. In fact, the whole day was marked by considerable aerial activity, during the course of which one of our aeroplanes was forced to land after an engagement with four hostile machines. Following upon the morning's outburst, our artillery continued intermittently active throughout the day and night.

Oamaru Cemetery.

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