Wednesday 29 May 2024

8/55 Private James Ireland, (7/9/1894-8/8/1915). "a keen athlete"

Lieut. Gibb and Private Ireland, of the Machine Gun Section of 10th (North Otago) Regiment, left Oamaru for Dunedin to-day to join the Machine Gun Section to be attached to the Otago Infantry Regiment of the Dominion Expeditionary Force. Lieut. Gibb and Private Ireland are members of the local staff of the National Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited). It is notified by Headquarters that to keep up the link with the Territorial Force every squadron or company forming a regiment in the Expeditionary Force will be known by the title of the Territorial Regiment from which furnished, and will wear the uniform and badge. For instance, the company furnished by 10th (North Otago) Regiment will be known as the North Otago Company of the Otago Battalion of the Expeditionary Force.   -Oamaru Mail, 14/8/1914.

Private James Ireland, who is reported to have been killed on August 8, was born in Oamaru less than 20 years ago, and received his education at the Middle School and the Waitaki Boys' High School. He served in the machine-gun section of the Otago Infantry, and was one of four members of the clerical staff in Oamaru of the National Mortgage and Agency Company to enlist in the main body, of whom another, Mr Forrester Kent, some months ago was reported to have been killed. Private Ireland was a keen athlete, and a member of boating, football, and athletic clubs. He was of a particularly bright and happy disposition, and highly respected by a large circle of friends.   -Evening Star, 3/9/1915.

August 8 was a tragic, though also glorious, day for the Otago Infantry Regiment.  It was the day they stood on Chunuk Bair, with a view over the Dardanelles Strait, and felt they had won an important landmark in the Campaign which had seen so many of their friends die. They did not enjoy the view for long.  

They arrived at 10.30pm, to relieve the Wellingtons, Aucklanders and others from Britain, so the view would have been a dark one. They were there for a day before being relieved in their turn.  

Many Otago men were left behind. One of them was James Ireland. He has no known grave.


IRELAND. — On 8th August, killed in action at the Dardanelles, Private James Ireland, youngest son of Agnes and the late John Ireland, Oamaru, aged 20 years.  -Oamaru Mail, 30/8/1915.

Oamaru Cemetery.

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