Sunday 25 August 2024

James Scanlan, (1865-3/5/1879). "a fall from a horse"

A boy named James Scanlan, aged 15, had his skull fractured and an arm broken inconsequence of the horse he was riding stumbling in Clyde street and throwing him yesterday afternoon. On his removal to the Hospital he was attended by Drs Coughtrey, Wilkins, Batchelor, and Roberts (house surgeon). Last evening the patient was doing as well as could be expected.  -Otago Daily Times, 2/5/1879.

The boy James Scanlan, who was injured yesterday by a fall from a horse in Clyde street, died at his father's house at 11 o'clock this morning.  -Grey River Argus, 3/5/1879.


THE Friends of Mr James Scanlan are respectfully invited to attend the FUNERAL of his late son JAMES, which will leave his Residence, King street, for the Northern Catholic Cemetery TO-MORROW, the 4th instant, at 2.30 p m. 

GOURLEY & LEWIS, Undertakers, George and Maclaggan streets.   -Otago Daily Times, 3/5/1879.

DUNEDIN, May 20. At the City Police Court to-day, John Lewis, undertaker, was charged for “that on Dec. 23, 1878, James Scanlon, late of Dunedin (not being one of the aboriginal Native race of New Zealand), died at Dunedin, and on or about Dec. 27 the said John Lewis buried the body of the said James Scanlan, and did unlawfully and wilfully omit to be caused to be transmitted to the registrar of births and deaths for the district of Dunedin a certificate of such burial, countersigned by the minister officiating at such burial or by two respectable witnesses being householders contrary to section 32 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1876.” Defendant denied that he had been guilty of willful neglect. Defendant was fined 40s and costs. This is the first case of this kind heard here.  -Lyttelton Times, 21/5/1879.

Northern Cemetery, Dunedin.

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