Monday 5 August 2024

Moses Harry, (1847-25/9/1924). "caught in the rope"



WESTPORT, 25th September Moses Harry, a rope road worker was killed on the road to-day. The body was carried about half a mile and was found dreadfully mutilated by Mr Shand, theWestport, Coal Company's surveyor. Deceased was aged about 73 and intended retiring at the end of the present year.  -Evening Post, 27/9/1924.


(Special to Argus.) WESTPORT, September 28. The verdict at the inquest on Moses Harry states he was accidentally killed on the 25th, on the rope road between Denniston and Burnett’s Face, by being crushed beneath a full box of coal, whilst attempting to cross the lines. No blame was attachable to anyone. The cause of death was a broken neck, a fractured skull, and other body injuries. The body was found 100 yards away from the curve where Harry worked, and marks on the rope road showed where Harry had been dragged along by the rope or tubs. It is supposed that Harry attempted to replace a derailed tub, when he slipped and got caught in the rope. Deceased was 71 years of age, and resided with his wife at Burnett’s Face. Evidence was given by Messrs Bernard Sumby and Shand, and Dr. McKenzie.  -Grey River Argus, 29/9/1924.

Funeral of Moses Harry. — The victim of the recent rope road accident, Mr Moses Harry, on Saturday last was laid to rest at the Waimangaroa Cemetery. In respect and honour of a most popular friend, and a faithful servant, a. large following of residents and representative heads of the Coal Company followed the cortege from the Hill, all work being suspended for the day.

The sincere and respectful sympathy of the whole community is extended to those he has left to mourn his going.   -Grey River Argus, 30/9/1924.

Waimangaroa Cemetery.  Photo from "Find a Grave."

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