Thursday 8 August 2024

James Seddon, (1868-16/5/1923). "no blame was attachable"


WESTPORT, May 15. A miner named James Seddon, married, aged about 55, was killed by a fall of coal in the Westport Coal Company’s Cascade mine this afternoon.  -Ashburton Guardian, 16/5/1923.

An inquest touching the death of James Seddon. miner, Denniston, was held at Denniston on Thursday by Mr G. H. Sinclair, Coroner. Lengthy evidence was heard, including that T. Whittle and Jas. Wardrope, workmen’s inspectors, reported, under date May 16th: “We, the undersigned, have this day examined the scene of the fatal accident which occurred in No. 8 section of the Cascade Mine, whereby James Seddon lost his life. We are of the opinion that it was an accident pure and simple, and that no blame is attachable to any person or persons,” The Coroner returned a verdict that James Seddon came by his death on the 15th inst. at the Cascade Mine, Denniston. He was accidentally killed by a fall of coal. No blame was attachable to anyone.  -Hokitika Guardian, 22/5/1923.

Waimagaroa Cemetery. Photo from "Find a Grave."

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